當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 名言警句 - 跪求關於share 的名言,要短些的,要英文的

跪求關於share 的名言,要短些的,要英文的

關於share 的英文名言短句如下:

1、If you bring happiness to tell a friend, you will obtain two joy, if you pour your sorrow to your friend, your sorrow will be reduced by half. -- Bacon


2、Good coffee to friends and taste, good opportunity will and friends.

We must be Shared with other life of our earth. , Rachel Carson



3、The more we share, the more we have.?

(我們分享的越多,我們擁有的也越多 --倫納德?尼莫埃)

4、Of course we can share the happiness together, and do our best to share and provide happiness.——作者不詳(我們當然能分享快樂,盡己所能地分享並提供快樂。)

5、Love is willing to share with you, love is to share with you at the same time also want to share for you.——作者不詳(喜歡是願與妳分享,愛是與妳分享的同時還想替妳分擔。)

6、Share of love, in the life course, and need not be owned or possession of each other's life.——作者不詳(愛,在當中分享生命歷程,而不需要擁有或占有對方生命。)

7、Once you are my secret in my heart, now finally can share with you all the secrets.——作者不詳(曾經妳是我心裏的秘密,現在終於可以和妳分享所有的秘密。)