當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 名言警句 - 關於成功和勤奮的英文名人名言或是諺語~謝


051 The fairest rose is at last withered· 好花終須雕謝。

052 Every dog has his day· 狗也有走的壹天;凡人皆有得意日。

053 First thrive and then wive· 先立業再成家。

054 Example is better than precept· 實例勝過口訓;身教重於言教。

055 The early bird catches the worm· 早起的鳥兒有蟲吃;捷足先登。

056 He laughs best who laughs last· 最後笑的人的最高興;別高興太早。

057 Sweet are uses of adversity· 塞翁失馬,焉知非福;禍中有福。

058 The best often the enemy of good· 完美是現況之敵。

059 Catch not at shadow and lose the substance· 勿抓影子而失去實質;不要舍本逐末。

060 Experience is th2e mother of wisdom· 經驗為智慧之母。

061 Birds in their litte nests agree· 同舟***濟;家和萬事興。

062 Better bend than break· 寧屈不斷;大丈夫能屈能伸。

063 Evrything comes to him who waits· 等待的人終必得到。

064 Every little helps· 點滴都有用;積少成多。

065 A good name is sooner lost than won· 好名聲得之難,失之易。

066 Easier said than done· 說時容易做時難;知易行難。

067 Enough is as good as a feast· 飽餐如同盛宴;凡事適可而止。

068 Bread is staff of life· 糧食是生活的支柱;民以食為天。

069 After a storm comes a calm· 否極泰來;雨過天晴。

070 The best of friends must part· 天下無不散的筵席。

071 Don‘t put the cart before the horse· 不要把馬車放在馬前;勿本末倒置。

072 Hoist your sail when the wind is fair· 順風時揚帆;見機行事。

073 A contented is a perpetual feast· 知足常樂。

074 Better be sure than sorry· 寧安勿躁;安全總比後悔好。

075 All roads lead to Rome· 條條道路通羅馬;殊途同歸·

076 Blood is thicker than water· 血濃於水;疏不間親。

077 Brevity is the soul of wit· 言以簡潔為貴。

078 Between two stools you fall to the groun· 腳踏雙凳必墜地;腳踏兩頭必落空。

079 Custom reconciles us to everything· 習慣成自然。

080 Discontent is the first step in progress· 不滿是進步的開始。