當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 名言警句 - 關於勞動的名言英語



1、勞動本身就是壹種享樂。Labor itself is a kind of enjoyment.

2、勞動是壹切知識的源泉。Labor is the source of all knowledge.

3、勞動是崇高思想的食糧。Labor is the food of the lofty ideas.

4、天才就是長期勞動的結果。Genius is the result of the long-term labor.

5、勞動可以使平時變為節日。Labor can make into a holiday at ordinary times.

6、文化越高,勞動越受重視。The higher culture, work, the more valued.

7、完成勞動報酬是閑暇、娛樂。To complete the work reward is leisure and entertainment.

8、天賜食於鳥,而不投食於巢。Divine food to a bird, not hurl food in the nest.

9、靠自己勞動掙來的食物最好。The food on their own labor to earn the best.

10、沈思就是勞動,思考就是行動。Meditation is labor, think is to act.

11、人類的勞動是惟壹真正的財富。Human labor is the only true wealth.

12、不要嘲笑鞋匠又黑又粗的拇指。Mock not a cobbler, thick, black thumbs.

13、勞動永遠是醫治精神創傷的良藥。Labor is the medicine of the breaking spirit forever.

14、學習是勞動,是充滿思想的勞動。Learning is labor, it is full of ideological work.

15、勞動教養了身體,學習教養了心靈。Reeducation through labor body, nurturing the heart study.

16、平時不勞動的人,壹生沒有節日過。People who do not work at ordinary times, life did not holiday.

17、勞動,這是壹切鈍感的最好的醫生。Labor, this is all the best doctor insensitive.

18、最有幸福的,只是勤勞的勞動之後。One of the most happiness, just after the industrious labor.

19、勞動是壹切商品交換價值的真實尺度。Work is everything a true gauge of exchange value.

20、勞動是社會中每個人不可避免的義務。Labor is the duty of everyone in the society inevitably.

21、任何人的勞動中都少不了需要的成份。Anyone without need of components work.

22、人生的意誌和勞動將創造奇跡般的奇跡。The will of life and labor will create miracle of miracles.

23、只有貧困才能逼出技藝,它是勞動之師。Can only be forced out of the poverty, it is the pision of labor.

24、男兒在勞動中成長,土地在勞動中變綠。Boys grow in labor, land turn green in the labor.