Scrimgeour: These are dark times, there is no denying. Our world has perhaps faced no greater threat than it does today. But I say this to our citizenry: We, ever your servants, will continue to defend your liberty and repel the forces that seek to take it from you! Your Ministry remains, strong.
2. 伏地魔:我必須親手殺死哈利·波特。
Voldemort: I must be the one to kill Harry Potter.
3 海格:十六年前我帶妳來的時候,妳還不到壹個輪子大小,似乎註定我也該帶妳離開。
Hagrid: I brought you here 16 years ago when you were no bigger than a bowtruckle, seems only right that I should be the one to take you away now.
4. 盧平:哈利是我們最寶貴的希望,相信他。
Remus Lupin: Harry is the best hope we have. Trust him.
5. 羅恩:沒有她,我們活不到兩天,別告訴她這是我說的。
Ron Weasley: We wouldn't last two days without her. Don't tell her I said that.
6. 哈利:我們停留的越久,他就越強大。
Harry Potter: The longer we stay here, the stronger he gets.
7. 羅恩:妳不知道是怎樣的感覺,妳的父母死了,妳沒有家了!
Ron Weasley: No! You don't know how it feels! Your parents are dead! You have no family!
8. 洛夫古德:合在壹起成為死神的聖物,合在壹起成為死神的主人。
Lovegood: Together, they make the Deathly Hallows. Together, they make one master of death.
9. 盧修斯·馬爾福:如果是我們抓到哈利·波特,交給黑魔王,他就原諒我們,我們又可以回到從前了,明白嗎?
Lucius Malfoy: If we are the ones to hand Potter to the Dark Lord, everything will be as it was, you understand?
10. 多比:多比沒有主人,多比是個自由的精靈,多比來救哈利·波特和他的朋友。
Dobby: Dobby has no master, Dobby is a free elf,and Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends.