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1. 運動會投稿 英文版

"The Games of the 29th Olympiad in 2008 are awarded to the city of Beijing."With the motto "New Beijing, Great Olympics", Beijing promises to host a "Green Olympics", a "Hi-tech Olympics" and the "People's Olympics".

Chinese people always appreciate the purposes and principles of Olympic ideal, support the efforts of Olympic Games to promote world peace. The Chinese Government and people are doing our the utmost/best to prepare for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, and shooting at the pageant with advocating Olympic ideal, sparkpluging world peace and enhancing the relationships among the world. Olympic spirit are gonna spread again in orient cultural ancient China.

The government and people of China have always admired the purposes and principles of the Olympic spirit and supported the efforts made by the Olympics in promoting world peace. The Chinese government and people are doing our utmost in preparation for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. It is our hope to make it a grand gathering that will carry forward the Olympic spirit, promote world peace and enhance the friendship among people of the world, so that the Olympic spirit will flourish once again, this time in China, an oriental country with an ancient civilization.

2. 運動會上的英文投稿要簡短的

When you got swallow the cloud

And the ambition let everything down

Shrilling are over the seventh sky

All cause the infinite itch

When the frame of the gun scattered

Rushing towards the aim like a arrow

They are fighters in their fate

Dream match never ends

18Cheering for success will

Be fast changing

Suffering from failure will

Be ever hovering

Don't ask me what life is

It is joys and sorrows in heart yet

Hardly *** earing

Having no latter winter

How e spring is such a beauty and

How e life is so challenging

3. 運動會投稿,英語的,兩篇

You are NO.1 you are best good

妳是第壹 妳是最好的

When you got swallow the cloud

And the ambition let everything down

Shrilling are over the seventh sky

All cause the infinite itch

When the frame of the gun scattered

Rushing towards the aim like a arrow

They are fighters in their fate

Dream match never ends

18Cheering for success will

Be fast changing

Suffering from failure will

Be ever hovering

Don't ask me what life is

It is joys and sorrows in heart yet

Hardly *** earing

Having no latter winter

How e spring is such a beauty and

How e life is so challenging

4. 英文運動會稿子

Someone once said: Games, it is poetry contest! When heard this remark when finally feeling, poetry contest used to describe the Games will appeal to people because the Games will create poems war outcrop feet opportunity, and also a higher quantitative score. Indeed achieve the purpose of things. Therefore the rostrum, military strategists have for this place to score! Remember that the first draft of the impression that the Games: Today the weather really good athletes to race, you fight I won the first time, we have to run the refueling! Contributions: * * - class students idiots! Primary time, I never even picked up a pen leaks to the temptation of points, then the only concentrate for the athletes refueling, into the hands of the pen has been inscribed waving supporters. Since came to the schools in the Games, is the poet is a taste of campus presence. When we looked around Games Games is in a class of the team, there are always a few intensely bitter poet wrote. Look their appearance, it is a great poet, or else how not to the fierce petition and attract? They carefully read poetry, some in the leg pad of paper, while others lie on his back in front of the students, fear that this operational opportunities exist only fleetingly position can be inspired by a beautiful poem! They described by the flowers, write an article extolling the athletes poem, they called the young poet! We should not belittle these poets, they are advancing with the times, and some even made gradually but they Ci-Ci beat like a creative word, what: run, cheers for the new force, run, every second is wonderful; Freestyle direction of the wind, run, jump dare dare run a courageous Chuang as Chuang. Some even bee another excellent singers, they were all in the Games this game floor, chopped his talents. Finally, please allow me to suggestion. The proposed 2008 Olympic Games in our country can have campaign contributions, this will be more Chinese characteristics, I believe that if the huge prizes, will take this opportunity to discover more talent poetry!對照:有人曾說:運動會簡直就是賽詩會!當聽到這句話的時候,終於感覺,用賽詩會來形容運動會再合適不過了~因為運動會會給詩人們創造戰露頭腳的機會,並且還會獲得更高的量化分數。

可謂是壹舉兩得的事情。於是,各路兵家紛紛爭奪這片得分之地~!記得第壹次運動會稿的印象是:今天天氣真正好,運動員們來賽跑,妳爭我趕奪第壹,我們都要加油跑!來稿人:*級*班 *** 同學!小學的時候,我從來不拿起筆寫稿子~即使有加分的誘惑,那時候只會全神貫註的為運動員加油,手中的筆桿早已變成拉拉隊小旗揮著。




5. 運動會英文稿件

運動會英文稿件寫法如下:首先,妳要確定妳以哪壹個比賽項目、運動員為寫作對象。其次確定稿件基調,有昂揚向上的、有 *** 澎湃的,有歌頌青春的、有贊美運動的。再次用英文組織語言等等。





其次,確定英文稿件基調。加油稿的類型有很多種,有昂揚向上的、有 *** 澎湃的,有歌頌青春的、有贊美運動的。有的加油稿,屬於直奔主題型的,而有的屬於委婉的。這壹類往往會從當天的天氣情況或是環境狀況甚至是心情等開始寫起。



Perhaps your failure is a shame, a hope dashed. Months of hard training and hopes go down the drain in a inkling of an eye, make you depressed, sad, but tried to see if you worked hard for the moment. With tears in his eyes we do not think so, you are courageous, you are strong, you use your determination to plete your task. Proud to see the success or failure in life, we should start all over again, to feel proud of you.


6. 運動會稿件 要原創 英文也可以

勝利的橄欖枝 黎明前黑暗的蒼穹 繁星點點 普羅米修斯將體育的聖火點燃 隨著壹道霞光 運動的火嬪?讜詘鋁制パ巧? 今日的健兒們 英姿勃發 誌存高遠 精神飽滿的將目光凝聚在終點線 努力吧 拼搏吧 奮鬥吧 女神將獻上勝利的橄欖枝編成的花環。 運動之歌 風對我耳語:“運動是我這樣的輕盈歲月!” 雨對我耳語:“運動是我這樣的淋漓盡致!” 雷對我耳語:“運動是我這樣的鏗鏘有力!” 電對我耳語:“運動是我這樣的亮麗透明!” 運動吧!在運動中接受風雨的洗禮,在運動中感受雷電的閃光 陽光不銹 秋陽普照大地,那攢動的人群 在吶喊聲與歌聲中意氣風發 那奔跑的身影 融入秋日的陽光 陽光不銹 青春的陽光在悄悄地流淌 流淌在那鼓聲裏 流淌在那奔跑的腳步裏 流淌在那發令槍的聲響裏 生命浸潤在陽光中 陽光不銹 運動生命在陽光裏展現風采 生命的凱歌在陽光中走向輝煌 運動的序幕已經拉開 讓我們用運動的火光來點燃生命的 *** 生命陽光永不銹 致大會 晨風輕輕地喚醒驕陽 校園的操場傳來發令槍的聲響 彩旗與吶喊聲壹起在飄蕩著 心和起點緊緊的相連 用青春和熱血來鋪灑白色的跑道 用 *** 點燃勝利的曙光 運動員之歌 我知道,該來壹定會來的。 妳只要,全身心準備好。 夢想在前方我們向前奔跑, 生命中誰都要有個目標。 誰在風中,風中燃燒。 誰在雨中,雨中舞蹈。 夢想前方,就在今朝。 讓世界把我們知道! 賽場上的旋律 妳聽那激烈奔跑的腳步聲, 震撼大地。 妳聽那歡呼加油的吶喊聲, 催人奮進。 賽場上的旋律, 如旋風般急速, 如號角般激揚, 如激流般奔騰不息。 創新!突破!超越! 永遠是賽場上最激動人心的旋律。 致運動會 秋季氣爽彩旗飄, 運動健兒逞英豪。 千呼萬喊齊加油, 場上場下都驕傲。 今日練出好身體, 誌為四化立功勞。 德智體美齊發展, 祖國明日更美好。 掌聲響起來 這裏需要 *** , 這裏需要吶喊, 這裏同樣需要掌聲。 當妳乘勝而歸, 我們為妳鼓掌,為妳祝賀, 當妳失敗而來, 我們同樣為妳鼓掌,為妳驕傲。 當掌聲再壹次想起的時候, 妳已經站在了起跑線上, 朋友,向前沖! 我們在為妳鼓掌。 艷陽下的歌 朝陽的金色洗亮了跑道, 青春的旋律譜成了這首歌, 充滿 *** 的心是這首歌的音符, 花季的少年火熱的心, 永遠的真誠不變的心, 妳的身影是跑道上的風景, 矯健的步伐邁出妳的自信, 聽,我們都在為妳喝彩, “加油”,不能表達我們的激動。 飛吧!勝利在向妳微笑。 青春的旋律解說詞 別樣的風采,高昂的鬥誌,迎面走來的是信息工程學院運動員代表隊。他們正以整齊的步伐,以軍人的風采展示信息工程學院的必勝信心,他們壹直在不懈努力著,因為他們相信付出總會有回報,沒有最好,只有更好,“更高,更快,更遠”是他們的目標,“友誼第壹,比賽第二”是他們的主題,“勇往直前”更是信息工程學院勇士們真正的本色! 解說詞 現在以穩健的步伐,嘹亮的口號向我們走來的是通信工程分院的代表隊,該代表隊由105人組成。通信分院擁有壹支精幹的師資隊伍,培養了壹批批基礎紮實,知識面廣,能力強、綜合素質高的復合型人才。此次通信分院派出的運動員將參加20個項目的比賽。他們將在上屆校運會的男子團體第三,女子團體第四的成績基礎上,在本屆校運會上頑強拼搏,賽出水平、賽出風格,再創佳績。“世界很大,通信把我們連成家。 解說詞 現在正向主席臺緩緩走來的是計算機學院和軟件學院代表隊。他們精神飽滿,氣宇軒昂,邁著整齊劃壹,鏗鏘有力的步伐,高舉著“走向e世紀”的醒目標語牌,到處可見的是他們的朝氣和必勝的信念。運動會上,計算機學院和軟件學院的健兒們本著“友誼第壹,比賽第二,全民健身,增強體質”的宗旨,發揚“團結,拼搏”的精神,向“更快,更高,更強”的目標邁進。讓我們留壹份期待,存壹份期盼,***同祝願他們在運動會中取得優異的成績! 解說詞 接下來入場的是管理分院代表隊,管理分院方陣突出的是競技與美的組合,在本屆運動會中,他們要用自己的智慧和汗水,在競技的舞臺上展現堅韌頑強的精神和青春的熱情。管理分院醒目的會標是用唯美的線條各了出的壹個正在奔跑的人,扭曲的M型是英文“管理”的首寫字母。此刻他們以整齊的步伐、強健的體魄、良好的精神面貌來證明他們必勝的勇氣和力量。祝願他們能用友誼的表現為美好的大學生生活留下無法抹去的青春記憶和點綴生命旅途的韶光年華! 校運會開幕 隨著

7. 田徑運動會投稿 英文

Cantabile sport, but there is no timeless tone. You do not know when it would play, when will it drop; sports such as tender round, but there is no change of direction, you do not know when to go, when to stay, In this down, back and forth, stop-and-go, the life will be filled with no regrets, filled with touching. Your life will be sweet brilliant! Athletes, when you ride in the sports arena, you will conquer the others, you will conquer its own. Station no longer that hard before the starting line, that is, the moment of success you dream of. Yes, there is a lot of far-fetched dreams, but dreams can e true. Has broken Krylov said: "At this side of reality, the ideal at the other side, across the middle of the river rapids. Efforts to frame action is on a bridge in Sichuan." From the reality on this side and reach the other side of the ideal, focusing on efforts to focus on confidence. , and that more should be the spirit of our athletes. Eagle belong to the blue sky, white water belong to the sea, while our athletes are belong to the grass. It is hoped that the place up, it will be e a stage win. Sports athletes are confident that when you fight for the dream, in order to win time and sweat, but also for the glory of our liuyang eight. Undoubtedly, in this highly petitive sports arena, there is success there is failure, it ran a successful flower-hyun rotten, and the failure of the snow is also lovely. Same winds will favor, in fact, everyone wants to glory, but someone afraid of magma emitted burn themselves, select run, on the successful selection, they chose the injured; select high jump, on the win at select when they select a fall. When the mussels force by pregnancy after suffering a dazzling crystal pearl, when the athletes are going through a painful after the creation of an astonishing score. Clare said: "The people are some kind of faith in order to live." Hearts there is hope that Only the hearts of the road, has the hearts of the road will be down at the foot. Athletes, when you with the ideal and the sweat, through the painful Ze Chao will find a bright road. Will bee exhausted, only to struggle a turn for the better, life will bee humble and the great tragic. Sport athletes. We have seen, through the sweat of your crystal, we have seen in eight liuyang hope that you crossed the Pentium pace, we see hope, hope to see tomorrow. Travel, life does not return this stadium. Wild. NOT back to life in this stadium. Touched, your spirit of sport. courage. 運動如歌,但卻沒有永恒的調子。








克萊爾說:“人是為了某種信念而活“。心中有希望, 心中才有路,心中有路,腳下才會踏實。

運動員們,當妳們帶著理想與汗水,穿過痛苦的詔澤,定會找到光明的道路。 只有掙紮會使山窮水盡變得柳暗花明,會使卑微的生命變得悲壯與偉大。

運動健兒們。我們看到了, 透過妳們晶瑩的汗水, 我們看到了瀏陽八中的希望,越過妳們奔騰的腳步,我們看到了希望,看到了希望的明天。


拼博的勇氣。Friendship first,petition second. 拓荒,友誼第壹 比賽第二。

8. 運動會的投稿詞怎麽寫,英語的

The important thing in life is to have a great aim,and the determination to attain it.Maybe we don't wanna to be the best in the games,but if everyone is full of hope,then it will be more useful for us to have the sports meeting.

If you should climb the mighty Matterhorm to look out over the kingdoms lf the earth,it might be a pleasant icident to find strawberries up there.But…you don't climb the Matterhorn for strawberries!

So we not only need the victory,but also friendship,We need nore friends.That is important!

Then we will have a greater sports meeting.

9. 運動會英文稿件


其次確定稿件基調,有昂揚向上的、有 *** 澎湃的,有歌頌青春的、有贊美運動的。再次用英文組織語言等等。

運動會英文稿件定義: 運動會英文稿件,是壹種在運動會進行時廣播中播出的帶有對運動進程有鼓勵性質的文字,由廣播員用英語念出。壹般由觀眾或運動員提供。


運動會英文稿件寫作方法: 首先,妳要確定妳以哪壹個比賽項目、運動員為寫作對象。 其次,確定英文稿件基調。

加油稿的類型有很多種,有昂揚向上的、有 *** 澎湃的,有歌頌青春的、有贊美運動的。有的加油稿,屬於直奔主題型的,而有的屬於委婉的。

這壹類往往會從當天的天氣情況或是環境狀況甚至是心情等開始寫起。 最後,加油稿字數不宜太多,講究短小精悍,字數不宜超過200。

所以我們寫完之後要將其縮減,只剩精華部分為宜,再用英文組織出來就可以了。 運動會英文稿件範文: Perhaps your failure is a shame, a hope dashed. Months of hard training and hopes go down the drain in a inkling of an eye, make you depressed, sad, but tried to see if you worked hard for the moment. With tears in his eyes we do not think so, you are courageous, you are strong, you use your determination to plete your task. Proud to see the success or failure in life, we should start all over again, to feel proud of you.或許失敗對於妳來說是壹種恥辱,是壹種希望的破滅。

