當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 名言警句 - 文學討論(急)傲慢與偏見》與《簡愛》中理性與激情的比較




至於二者的殊途同歸。便是the final union of the hero and heroine in both of them.

As for characteristics, they also share various similarity and differences. Both of the heroines are independent and smart. However, the later one holds more passionate feelings compared with comparatively moderate Elizabeth. With regards to the hero, both of them are born nobility and proud. The later one, again, is obviously much more tough and stubborn. Probably the dissimilarities of the depiction of the characters relate with the hometowns of the two novelists. The cruelty of Yorkshire Moor inputs the unique undaunted spirits to Bronte’s figures.
