做人要誠實的英語是be honest
如果要別人誠信,首先要自己要誠信。If want others to honesty, want oneself to the good faith first.
給心靈壹片凈土,給誠信壹片天地,人生的道路讓我們與誠信同行。A piece of pure land, in the mind to the integrity of a piece of heaven and earth, the way of life let us walk with integrity.
壹個創業者最重要的,也是妳最大的財富,就是妳的誠信。An entrepreneur is the most important, also is your greatest wealth, is your good faith.
誠信是壹種心靈的開放。Honesty is a kind of open mind.
壹次誠信壹條路,壹句謊話壹堵墻。A good faith a way, a lie a wall.
交友以真心換真心,做事以誠信為誠信。Make friends with sincerely for sincerity, work by the good faith for the credibility.
自古驅民在誠信,壹言為重百金輕。Drive the people since ancient times in good faith, to department golden light.
誠信說話話動聽,誠信辦事事必成,誠信做人人受敬。Speak words, do things will be integrity, good faith people worship.
誠信,不但閃耀著人性的光芒,更表達出文明的力量。Good faith, not only shine with the light of human nature, more reflects the power of civilization.
做人要講誠信,說不還錢就不還錢!Be honest and say don't also money is not money!
不相信任何人人的人知道自己無信用。Don't believe anyone everyone knows no credit.
喪失錢財悔壹時,喪失誠信悔壹生。Regret lost money, lost integrity regret a lifetime.