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Apple 蘋果

apple of one's eye ( to be the ):to be one's favorite 掌上明珠;心愛物

is the apple of her father's eye.她是她父親的掌上明珠。

Big Apple (the):New York 大蘋果城即紐約

eg.I live in the Big Apple.我住在大蘋果城。

epare apples and oranges (to):to pare o things that simply cannot be pared.比較兩個無法相比的事物

's you're paring apples and oranges .


“How do you like the apples?”:“What do you think of that ?”



bananas (to be ):to be crazy 發瘋的,神經錯亂的

guuy's bananas!那家夥真是瘋了!

*註意:to go bananas: bee crazy.發瘋,神經錯亂

eg.I'm so bored I'm going bananas.我厭煩的要死,都快發瘋了。

bee wild with anger狂怒,氣得發瘋

went bananas when she found him cheating.她發現他欺騙時氣得要命。

play second banana (to):to be second choice第二選擇,次要人物

eg.I always play second banana to her.我總是做她的後補。

top banana:main boss領袖,頭頭,大老板

's (the) top banana in this pany.他是這家公司的大老板。

Bean (豆)

bean brain :idiot *** ,笨蛋

is such a bean brain.他是個大笨蛋。

beans about sth. (not to know):not to know anything about sth.對某事物壹無所知,壹竅不通

eg.I don't know beans about puters.我對電腦壹竅不通。

*註意:此詞語只有否定形式,“to know beans about sth.”這種說法不存在。

Bean Town :Boston

Massachusetts 豆城指麻薩諸塞州波士頓市



beet red (to be):to be extremly red from blushing

embarras *** ent


was so embarrased she turned beet red.他窘迫得滿臉通紅。





carrot in front of someone (to danglea)

tempt someone with an unobtainable offer開空頭支票[以實踐不了的諾言誘惑某人]

boss told me lf I perform well on the job

we 'll talk about a salary increase next I think he's just dangling a carrot in front of me.



cauliflower ears:swollen ears usually resulting from a boxing match[拳擊運動員因多次受擊而腫起的]開花耳朵

boxer has cauliflower ears.那位拳擊運動員的耳朵被打開花了。


bowl of cherries (to be a ):to be wonderful 精彩的,絕妙的

isn't always a bowl of cherries.生活並不總是美好的。

Corn (谷物;谷粒)

“For corn sake!”:“Oh

my goodness!” “噢,天哪!”


corn :drama

overemotional drama情節劇;感情表現誇張的戲劇

a bunch of corn!這壹連串的情節劇真精彩啊!

dramatic 情節劇的;誇張的

movie was so corny!這部電影表現得太誇張了!

cornball:culous 荒唐的,可笑的

e did you buy that cornball hat?妳從哪兒買來那頂滑稽的帽子?


cool as a cucumber (to be):to be calm and posed 十分冷靜,鎮定自如

ough he's guilty of the crime

he sure as cool as a cucumber.盡管他犯了罪,卻還是那麽鎮定自如。