at least one of the other o is good enough to be my teacher.
Three lines
must be my teacher
您好,我推薦您壹個非常不錯的英語學習網站,裏面有很多非常不錯的學習資源,您能從中得到不少幫助: 祝您好運!
Three rows
must be my teacher.
傳統翻譯只把字表面的意思寫出,不可算錯,例如「行」不能說不是「walk」三人同行便是3 men walk together. 但是孔子或古文「行」的意思不單是「行走/步行/走在壹起」,我想是意會說「做人方向」; 「師」,本是壹個名詞,但傳統翻譯卻把的意義翻譯something to learn from。由壹個人的角色成為壹些學的thing。這樣接下去的「擇其善」和「改其不善」的「其」便是那些thing而不是那個人了。 說說這些只是評評現時翻譯上的取舍令譯文: When three men walk together
there is always somethings I can learn. Choose to follow what is good in them and correct what is not good. 重點放在去認識和學習他人的質素上,而我認為孔子所言的重點應是對自己的謙虛和自省作為主調。譯文似乎把承認自身必有不足這態度改變為學習利用身邊人作取長補短。 我並非中國文史專才,只是對論語作為教育的用意加以反省在翻譯上的問題。所以以下試從詮釋的意譯可能仍未完善,還望兄臺賜教。 Through the walk in life of the three of us
surely I can get educated; choose whatever goodness to follow and correct whatever badness in me.
You can always learn something from others. Note : "Three" is a general term that me a number of persons.
Three rows
must be my teacher.
參考: google