A drowning prevention measures:
1, should be led by *** swim, swim;
2, don't play alone in the river, ponds edge;
3, do not go swimming - swimming area;
4, no swimmer, not to swim to the deep water area, even with a buoy is not safe;
To do proper preparation 5, before swimming, to prevent cramps.
Two, when the drowning self-help methods:
1, don't panic, find someone immediately around for help;
2, relax the body, let the body floating on the surface of the water, the head surfaced, kicking the water, to prevent the physical loss, waiting for rescue;
3, body sink, the palm downward pressure;
4, if the water suddenly cramps, and unable to dock, immediately. If no one around, can take a deep breath and dived into the water, the leg straight cramps, hand toes upward pull, to relieve cramps.
Rescue three, find someone drowning:
Throw the life buoy, bamboo, wood and other materials to the drowning man, then drag it to the shore; if there is no rescue equipment, into the water directly to the amb......
5、洪水來之前要準備好食品、藥品、手電筒等,並選好轉移的路線和地點。洪水來時要聽從街道、鄉村 *** 幹部的指揮,全家帶上食品和衣服轉移到安全的地方去。
1, when the flood should pay attention to the high escape;
2, try to avoid the waves;
3, try to catch floating objects;
4, waving bright clothes for help;
5, before the flood to prepare food, drugs, flashlight, etc., and select the route and location of the transfer. When the flood es, listen to the direction of the streets and village officials. The whole family will bring food and clothing to safe places.
防溺水常識 英文版
How to Prevent Drowning
Accidental drowning can happen at the beach, at your pool at home, or even in a *** all container of water like a bucket. There are several ways to keep people from drowning. Read on to find what you can do to prevent drowning deaths.
According to the CDC, drowning is the seventh leading cause of accidental death for all ages and the second leading cause of death in children aged 1 to 14 years. Many drowning victims know how to swim but either swim out too far, suffer a cramp, or just panic and lose control. For every death, many more drowning victims will be rescued and survive but will live with serious brain damage. It only takes a few minutes for a child to drown. Young children are "head-heavy" for their bodies. They can drown in a bucket of water or the toilet because they can't lift their heads out.
Whether you have a pool at home or you like to swim at the munity pool or beach, a few simple guidelines will help you safeguard your family from water hazards:
Surround your pool or hot tub with a fence that cannot be climbed over or slipped through or under.
Install locking gates on your pool and hot tub, and keep them locked. In one study, 70 percent of the pools where a drowning took place had broken or unlocked gates.
Purchase a pool cover and pool alarm system.
Learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Contact the American Red Cross, your munity hospital, or a local *** -education program for rmation.
Keep a telephone in......
Care for life, prevention of drowning
I think students should be allowed to go for activities during the weekends. Firstly, it can make the students get along better with each other. Secondly, the students can help each other with their subjects they learnt. When they have problems in studying,they can solve them easily. At last, they can talk about how to study better about all their subjects. They can learn from each other.
Anti drowning
Every year a lot of children get drowned in rivers or lakes in China. So we should be very careful as to avoid the similar incidents happen again. First of all, we must tell our children not to play near rivers or lakes. We should keep a close eye on them at the same time. The government should do something too. If there are enough nursery schools or kindergartens, all the kids could go to play in kindergartens instead of at home and may hurt or even drown themselves. Last but not the least, if we teach children to learn how to swim at an early age, tragedies could also be avoided even if they drop into rivers or lakes by accident. Anyway we should all try our best to stop any more drowning accidents.