1、每個天才的產生,必是熱忱的產物。——本傑明?狄斯拉裏? The product of the production of every genius, it is warmly。
2、壹個人要幫助弱者,應當自己成為強者,而不是和他們壹樣變成弱者。——羅曼?羅蘭? A person to help the weak, should bee the strong, not like they bee weak。
3、要有自信,然後全力以赴——假如具有這種觀念,任何事情十之八九都能成功。——威爾遜? To have confidence, and then go all out - if has this kind of idea, any things nine times out of ten can succeed。
4、夢想家命長,實幹家壽短。——約?奧賴利? Dreamers life long, the doer life short。
5、論命運如何,人生來就不是野蠻人,也不是乞討者。人的四周充滿真正而高貴的財富—身體與心靈的財富。——霍勒斯?曼? Theory of fate, born not barbarian, nor beggars。 The wealth of the people around is full of true and noble - body and the wealth of the mind。
6、青少年是壹個美好而又是壹去不可再得的時期,是將來壹切光明和幸福的開端。——加裏寧? Youth is a wonderful and one to go again to The Times, is the beginning of all the light and happiness in the future。
7、不管發生什麽事,都請安靜且愉快地接受人生,勇敢地、大膽地,而且永遠地微笑著。——盧森堡? No matter what happens, please quiet and happy to accept life, brave, bold, and always *** iling。
8、夢是心靈的思想,是我們的秘密真情。——杜魯門?卡波特? Dream is the idea of the soul, is the secret of our true feelings。
9、在任何行業中,走向成功的第壹步,是對它產生興趣。——威廉?奧斯勒爵士? In any industry, the first step on the road to success, is interested in it。
10、偉大的目標形成偉大的人物。——埃蒙斯? Great goal to form a great figure。
11、讓自己的內心藏著壹條巨龍,既是壹種苦刑,也是壹種樂趣。——雨果? Let oneself heart hiding a dragon, is a kind of torture, is also a kind of fun。
12、在所有批評家中,最偉大、最正確,最天才的是時間。——別林斯基? Among all the critici *** , the greatest and the most correct, the most gifted is time。
13、目標越接近,困難越增加。——歌德? Target the closer it gets, the more difficult to increase。
14、只要朝著壹個方向努力,壹切都會變得得心應手。——勃朗寧? As long as the efforts in one direction, everything will be handy。
15、誠實是雄辯能力的壹部分;我們因自己熱切誠懇,而使別人信服。——威廉?哈立特? Honesty is a part of the speech ability; Because our eager sincerity, and convince others。
16、得進壹寸進壹寸,得進壹尺進壹尺,不斷積累,飛躍必來,突破隨之。——華羅庚? Into a silly one inch, into a foot into a foot, accumulating, leap will e, break then。
17、強烈的信仰會贏取堅強的人,然後又使他們更堅強。——華特?貝基霍? Strong faith will win it takes a strong man, and then make them stronger。
18、人的誌向通常和他們的能力成正比例。——約翰遜? The aspirations of people usually and their ability to bee direct ratio。
19、我不應把我的作品全歸功於自己的智慧,還應歸功於我以外向我提供素材的成千成萬的事情和人物。——歌德? I should not give my thanks to all the works of their own wisdom, should also be attributed to me offered me the material of tens of things and people。
20、壹個有堅強心誌的人,財產可以被人掠奪,勇氣卻不會被人剝奪的。——雨果? A person with strong mind, property can be seized, courage without being deprived of。
21、從工作裏愛了,就是通徹了最深的秘密。——紀伯倫? Love from the work, is to understand thoroughly the deepest secret。
22、傻子自以為聰明,但聰明人知道他自己是個傻子。——莎士比亞? A fool thinks he clever, but the wise man knows himself is a fool。
23、壯誌與熱情是偉業的輔冀。——歌德? Ambition and enthusia *** is great auxiliary ji。
24、個人之於社會等於身體的細胞,要壹個人身體健全,不用說必須每個細胞都健全。——聞壹多? Individual is to the society is equal to the cells of the body, to one's body is perfect, needless to say, each cell must be sound。
25、夢想壹旦被付諸行動,就會變得神聖。——阿?安?普羅克特? Dream once put into action, will bee holy。
26、樂觀是壹首激昂優美的進行曲,時刻鼓舞著妳向事業的大路勇猛前進。——大仲馬? Optimi *** is a passionate beautiful moment of march, inspiring you to cause the road ahead。
27、開創偉大事業的是天才,完成偉大事業的是辛苦。勉之期不止,多獲由力耘。——歐陽修? Create a great cause is talent, is hard to plete the great cause。 The period of working, more Yun by force。
28、誌氣和貧困是患難兄弟,世人常見他們伴在壹起。——托?富勒? Ambition is always acpanied, and poverty is the world mon them together。
29、悲觀的人雖生猶死,樂觀的人永生不老。——拜倫? Pessimistic people have ceased to live, optimistic person never dies。
30、誰虛度年華,青春就要裉色,生命就會拋棄他們。——雨果? Who to idle away one's time, youth will Ken color, life will abandon them。
31、信仰是偉大的情感,壹種創造力量。——高爾基? Faith is a great emotion, a kind of creative power。
32、推動妳的事業,不要讓妳的事業推動妳。——愛因斯坦? Drive your business, don't let your business drive you。
33、人的壹生可能燃燒也可能腐朽,我不能腐朽,我願意燃燒起來!——奧斯特洛夫斯基? Person's life may be burning may also decayed, I can not decayed, I am willing to burning up!
34、人是可以沈醉在自己的堅強的意誌裏的。——雨果? People can be drunk on its own strong will。
35、誰有進取的意誌,誰就幹得成。——羅曼?羅蘭? Who has the will of enterprising, who is doing。
36、我們知道個人是微弱的,但是我們也知道整體就是力量。——馬克思? We know that people are weak, but we also know that the whole is power。
37、憂勞可以興國,逸豫可以亡身,自然之理也。——歐陽修? Guo, due to YiYu WangShen, nature also。
38、不要貶低黃昏,黃昏同清晨壹樣是成就事業的時間。——天雄? Don't belittle dusk, dusk, like the morning's achievements in the time of my career。
39、夢想只要能持久,就能成為現實。我們不就是生活在夢想中的嗎?——丁尼生? Dream as long as persistent, can bee a reality。 Is we don't live in the dream?
40、黃金誠然是寶貴的,但是生氣蓬勃、勇敢的愛國者卻比黃金更為寶貴。——林肯? Gold is precious; but, vigorous and brave patriots are much more precious than gold。
41、智慧、勤勞和天才,高於顯貴和富有。——貝多芬? Wisdom, diligence and talent, above dignitaries and rich。
42、瓜是長大在營養肥料裏的最甜,天才是長在惡性土壤中的最好。——培根? The most sweet melon is grew up in the nutrition fertilizer, genius is long in malignant best from the soil。
43、丟失的牛羊可以找回;但是失去的時間卻無法找回。——喬叟? The missing cattle and sheep can be found; But can't find the lost time。
44、我不如起個磨刀石的作用,能使鋼刀鋒利,雖然它自己切不動什麽。——賀拉斯? ACTS as a whetstone, than I can make the sharp steel knife, although they don't cut yourself。
45、壹個人如果胸無大誌,既使再有壯麗的舉動也稱不上是偉人。——拉羅什夫科? If a person heart and even more spectacular action is not great。