當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 名言警句 - 馬克吐溫關於美的名言


1. One is apt to overestimate beauty when it is rare.


——出自《傻子出國記》(Innocents Abroad)

2. It is more satisfactory to be pretty than right.


——出自《Missing Maxims Returned to the Mark Twain Papers》

3. One frequently only finds out how really beautiful a really beautiful woman is after considerable acquaintance with her; and the rule applies to Niagara Falls, to majestic mountains, and to mosques--especially to mosques.


——出自《傻子出國記》(Innocents Abroad)

4. There are women who have an indefinable charm in their faces which makes them beautiful to their intimates, but a cold stranger who tried to reason the matter out and find this beauty would fail.


——出自《國外浪遊》(A Tramp Abroad)