許多朋友進入妳的生命,但是只有真正的朋友會在妳的心中留下腳印·Many people will in and out of your life,but only true friend will leave footprints in your heart.
True friendship is like sound health;the value of it is seldom known untill it be lost!
用禮物買來的朋友終究會被買走!A friend that you buy with present will be bought from you!
友誼如金錢壹般,容易得到卻不容易保持!Friendship is like money,easier made than kept!--SamuelButler
有時候解釋是沒有必要的,朋友不需要妳的解釋,敵人不信妳的解釋!Friends do not need your explanation;Foes do not believe!
愛不在深厚,乃在久長。 Love me little, love me long.
沒有信任就沒有愛。 Where there is no trust, there is no love.