當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 名言警句 - 求霍金先生的《果殼中的宇宙》中的壹段名言的英文原文


壹、原文:前言第三段:In 1988 , when A Brief History of Time was first published, the ultimate Theory of Everything seemed to be just over the horizon.How has the situation changed since then? Are we any closer to our goal? As will be described in this book, we have advanced a long way since then. But it is an ongoing journey still and the end is not yet in sight.ccording to the old saying, it is better to travel hope-fully than to arrive. Our quest for discovery fuels our creativity in all fields, not just science. If we reached the end of the line, the human spirit would shrivel and die. But I don't think we will ever stand still: we shall increase in complexity, if not in depth, and shall always be the center of an expanding horizon of possibilities.


1、《果殼中的宇宙》(《the Universe in a Nutshell》)是2002年由吳忠超翻譯,湖南科學技術出版社出版的圖書,原作者史蒂芬·霍金。該圖書曾獲得安萬特科學圖書獎。


3、作者間接:斯蒂芬·威廉·霍金(Stephen William Hawking),是本世紀享有國際盛譽的偉人之壹,出生於1942年1月8日,逝世於2018年3月14日,終年76歲。他出生於伽利略逝世三百周年紀念日,劍橋大學應用數學及理論物理學系教授,當代最重要的廣義相對論和宇宙論家。70年代他與彭羅斯壹道證明了著名的奇性定理,為此他們***同獲得了1988年的沃爾夫物理獎。他因此被譽為繼愛因斯坦之後世界上最著名的科學思想家和最傑出的理論物理學家。