英語諺語① how time flies! 光陰荏苒! ② birds of a feather, flock together.人以群分。 ③ practice makes perfect.勤能補拙。 ④ if you want something done well, do it yourself. 求人不如求己。 ⑤ don’t put off until tomorrow what can be done today. 今日事,今日畢。
多麽的好的明日 可保存期只到今日 。 how good can shelf life only to tomorrow today.
when everything is gone with the wind, when all those special moments into eternity. 當壹切都隨風而去的情況下,這些尤其的壹瞬間都變成永恒不變。
if two past lovers can remain friends, its either they were never in love or they still are. ———如果分手的情侶還能做朋友,要不從未曾經愛過,要不仍在深愛著。~
i hate your eyes,i hate your lips, i hate your hugs, i hate the way you walk,i hate how you make me smile, i hate how you dont like me, and,i like you. 我恨妳的雙眼,妳的嘴巴,妳的相擁,妳的行走方法,我就愛著妳逗我笑,恨妳不太喜歡我。與此同時,我恨自己那麽的對妳有感覺。
you never realize how much you like someone until you watch them like someone else.———— 始終不可能了解自身有多喜歡壹個人,除非是見到ta喜愛上此外壹個人
i cant promise to fix all your problems, but i can promise you wont have to face them alone.我沒法服務承諾幫妳徹底解決全部的問題,但我保證不容易使妳獨自壹人去應對
in the sun and i looked at her silence as to the desolate, and the rich is their choice. 在太陽底下我看見自身靜寂的手掌心, 性命的滄桑和絢麗多彩 , 是自已的挑選。
在“i”和“you”中添壹個詞,哪個能讓人打動? i love you:我喜歡妳 i miss you:估計妳 i wait you:我在這裏等妳 i want you:我想要妳 i carry you:我們壹起 i need you:我真的需要 i follow you:我跟妳...(填補)
愛惜壹直明白在缺憾之後。缺憾卻怎樣也走不上明白愛惜以前。 cherish always understand in regret later. sorry but how also couldnt get to know to cherish before.
想起許多事兒,有關以往,好像只剩余模模糊糊的印痕。 recall many things, about the past, seem to only vague impression.
若人生若只如初見,那麼逝水流年是否會熱鬧壹些。 if life only such as first, then timesong will prosperous some.
僅僅免不了時間把相戀改變成相戀過。 only the hard to avoid time love rewritten to love each other
我將結果刻在時光的肌膚上,記憶力寫在妳人體裏。 i put the end on time skin, the memory write in your body.
青春壹灘水,無論伸開或是握緊,都沒法從手指縫中經過的薄弱的歲月。 youth is a pool of water, whether opened or hold, can slip through your fingers by living in the thin flows through time.
妳是我心中心中的太陽,只有凝望,壹碰便會被燒灼。 you are my heart sunshine, can only look, a touch will burns
no one can change a person,but someone can be a reason for that person to change. 沒有人能更改另壹個人,但卻能變成他人更改的壹個緣故。***3頁,現階段第1頁123