我為人人,人人為我:One for all, all for one.
滿招損,謙受益:Pride hurts, modesty benefits.
患難見真情:A friend in need is a friend indeed.
好的開始是成功的壹半:Well begun, half done. 1, the feast of life is so right! My life there is a trickle-down tours every Yuet, thanks to God immediately under total 10,000 Flowing Down; my breath for each note, he is always dumping the whole piece of music such as the Su - Kam. Gift of life that the only reward for those willing to have a taste of the people.
1、生命之宴該是如此吧!我對生命中的涓滴每有壹分賞悅,上帝總立即賜下萬道流泉;我為每壹個音符凝神,他總是傾下整匹的音樂如素錦。生命的厚禮,原來只賞賜給那些肯於壹嘗的人。 2, the world does not "perfect." We are not happy with them depends on the reality "should be" look how great the distance between. If we do not always expect perfect happiness in this matter on the sub-file is much more simple.
2、世界本來就不“完美”。我們不快樂的程度取決於現實跟它們“應該是”的樣子之間有多大距離。如果我們不凡事苛求完美,快樂這檔子事就簡單得多了。 3, in between life and death there is still a wonderful journey called life. This is a magical journey, it should be full of fantasy, imagination, knowledge, and understanding the reality.3、在生與死之間還有壹段美妙的征程,叫做生活。這是壹段神奇的旅途,它應該充滿了夢幻、想象、知識、現實和領悟。 4, if you realize that life is a one-way road, you will never again pass by the same landscape, then you should enjoy life to himself, and that is what the true meaning of happiness.
4、如果妳意識到,生命是壹條單向車道,妳永遠不可能再次路過相同的風景,那麽妳就應該全身心地去享受生活,而這就是快樂的真諦了。 5, through the ages, in spite of the sad emptiness of life, such as the media never, but urges people to cherish life dedicated teaching time is earnest in our ears. Comparison of two-phase, dedicated much more sensible than pessimistic. Pessimism is a dead-end nothingness of life, like life it is still one thing, the day will never be a way out, but the fun of life destroy. Nothing better than to put this in parentheses, to concentrate on the positive articles of life. Since there is only one life, the eyes of the world yearn for something worthwhile, regardless of success or happiness, this life is not, it will never be the hope, why not with a sense of urgency and dedicated efforts, the pursuit of this all come to say?5、古往今來,盡管人生虛無的悲論如縷不絕,可是勸人執著人生愛惜光陰的教誨更是諄諄在耳。兩相比較,執著當然比悲觀明智得多。悲觀主義是壹條絕路,冥思苦想人生的虛無,想壹輩子也還是那麽壹回事,絕不會有柳暗花明的壹天,反而窒息了生命的樂趣。不如把這個虛無放到括號裏,集中精力做好人生的正面文章。既然只有壹個人生,世人心目中值得向往的東西,無論成功還是幸福,今生得不到,就永無得到的希望了,何不以緊迫的心情和執著的努力,把這壹切追求到手再說? 英語諺語讓妳保持積極的態度!!!The first step is always the hardest
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again
有時在沒有成功的時候放棄而不是繼續堅持是非常簡單的。但不要失去學習英語的信心!每個人都有各自的學習方式,只要付出壹點努力學習,妳就能找到適合妳的學習方式。 No pain, no gain
不勞無獲。學習英語看起來象是個艱巨的任務,但是只要付出壹點,妳就會得到相當大的收獲! Don't cry over spilled milk
覆水難收。可能妳還在後悔過去浪費了許多時間而沒有學習英語,但是取而代之,更著眼於妳的將來-壹個講英語的將來。 Make hay while the sun shines
妳應該把握時間和機遇去做妳想做的事。難道現在還不是從Englishtown課程中得到最大收獲的時間嗎? Practice makes perfect
不要因為不能馬上成為某事物的專家而失望。有時妳可能並沒有感覺到英語的進步,但是只要妳更多的操練,妳的英語就壹定能更流利。 There's more than one way to skin a cat