當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 名言警句 - 發光的不都是金子翻譯為英語


發光的不都是金子翻譯為英語是:All that glitters is not gold.



用作定語的從句叫做定語從句(attributive clause)。定語從句通常皆置於它所修飾的名詞(或代詞)之後,這種名詞(或代詞)叫做先行詞(antecedent)。引導賓語從句的關聯詞為關系代詞和關系副詞。關系代詞在定語從句中可用作主語、賓語、定語等;關系副詞在定語從句中只用作狀語。如:

The student who answered the question was John. 回答問題的那個學生是約翰。(who answered the question是關系代詞who引導的定語從句,用以修飾who先行詞student,who在從句中用作主語)

I know the reason why he was so angry. 我知道他這麽生氣的原由。(why he was so angry是關系副詞引導的定語從句,用以修飾why的先行詞reason,why在從句中用作原因狀語)


The room which served for studio was bare and dusty. 這個用作工作室的房間空蕩蕩的,布滿灰塵。(關系代詞which引導的定語從句緊跟其先行詞room之後)


A new master will come tomorrow who will teach you German. 明天要來壹位新教師教妳們德語了。(關系代詞who引導的定語從句與其先行詞master分離)



The man who was here yesterday is a painter. 昨天在這裏的那個人是位畫家。(主格關系代詞who在從句中用作主語)

The man who I saw is called Smith. 我見到的那個人名叫史密斯。(在非正式英語中who 代替了whom,亦可省去不用)

I know the man whom you mean. 我認識妳指的那個人。(賓語關系代詞whom在從句中用作賓語)

A child whose parents are dead is called an orphan. 失去父母的孩子叫做孤兒。(屬格關系代詞whose在從句中用作定語,指人)

I’d like a room whose window looks out over the sea. 我想要壹個窗戶面臨大海的房間。(屬格關系代詞whose在從句中用作定語,指room,可代之以of which,但後者較為正式)


A letter that is written in pencil is difficult to read. 用鉛筆寫的信很難讀。(關系代詞that在從句中用作主語,指物)

The letter that I received from him yesterday is very important. 昨天他來的信很重要。(關系代詞that在從句中用作賓語,指物)

Is he the man that sells eggs? 他是賣雞蛋的那個人嗎?(關系代詞that在從句中用作主語,指人)


This is the book which has been retranslated into many languages. 這就是那本有多種譯本的書。(關系代詞which在從句中用作主語)

Where is the book which I bought this morning? 今天上午我買的那本書在哪兒?(關系代詞which在從句中用作賓語,可省去)


We told him to consult the doctor, which advice he took. 我們叫他去看醫生,他聽取了我們的勸告。(關系代詞which在從句中用作定語)

The two policemen were completely trusted, which in fact, they were. 那兩個警察完全受到信任,事實上真是如此。(關系代詞which在從句中用作表語)


The two brothers were satisfied with this decision, as was agreed beforehand. 兩兄弟對這個決定都滿意,它事先已經他們同意了。(關系代詞as在從句中用作主語,其先行詞是this decision)

He was a foreigner, as I knew from his accent. 他是個外國人,我是從他的口音知道的。(關系代詞as在從句中用作賓語,其先行詞是前面的整個句子)

I never heard such stories as he tells. 我從未聽過他講的這類故事。(關系代詞as與指示代詞such連用,在從句中用作賓語,其先行詞是such stories)

Her attitude to him was quite the same as it had always been. 她對他的態度同她慣常的態度完全壹樣。(關系代詞as與指示代詞same連用,在從句中用作表語,其先行詞是same)

You spent more money than was intended to be spent. 妳花的錢超過了預定的數額。(關系代詞than在從句中用作主語,其先行詞是money)

There are very few but admire his talents. 很少人不贊賞他的才幹的。(關系代詞but在從句中用作主語,其先行詞是few,but=who don’t)


This is the book for which you asked. 這是妳所要的書。(關系代詞用作介詞for賓語,之首,即which之前)

This is the book which you asked for. 這是妳所要的書。(介詞for置於從句之末,which在此可省去)


The people you were talking to are Swedes. 妳與之談話的那些人是瑞典人。(關系代詞主格who用作介詞to賓語時,介詞to須置於從句之末,who中口語中可省去)

Here is the car that I told you about. 這兒就是我和妳談過的那輛汽車。(關系代詞that用作介詞about賓語,介詞about須置於從句之末)


This is the boy who he worked with in the office. 那就是與他壹道辦公的那個男孩。


Persons who are quarrelsome are despised. 好爭吵者遭輕視。(除外persons,還有people,those,等皆多用who)

All who heard the story were amazed. 聽到這個故事的人都感到吃驚。(代詞如he,they,any,all,one等之後多用who)

I will pardon him who is honest. 我願意寬恕他,他是誠實的。(描述性定語從句用who)

I think it is you who should prove to me. 我認為是妳應該向我提出證據。(在強調結構中多用who,who在此可省去)

Who is not for us is against us. 誰不贊成我們就是反對我們。(縮合連接代詞who為可代之以that)


)He was the man that the bottle fell on. 他就是瓶子落在其身上的那個人。(此處常用that作賓語指人,亦可用whom)

He is a man that is never at a loss. 他是壹個從未壹籌莫展的人。(that常用於泛指人)

He was watching the children and parcels that filled the car. 我望著塞滿車的孩子和包裹。(兼指人與物時須用that)

Who that you have ever seen can beat him in chess? 妳曾見過誰能在棋藝上打敗他?(避免與先行詞who重復時應用that)

That’s the same man that asked for help the day before yesterday. 這個與前天求援的是同壹個人。(先行詞前有指示代詞same時應用that)

He is not that man that he was. 他已不是過去的他了。(that常用作表語)

I knew her father for the simplest, hardest working man that ever drew the breath of life. 我早知她的父親是壹個世上最簡樸最努力工作的人。(先行詞前有形容詞最高級、序數詞或only等詞時應用that)


All that glitters is not gold. 閃光的東西不都是金子。(不定代詞包括復合詞something等多後接that)

It was the largest map that I ever saw. 那是我所看見過的最大的地圖。(前有形容詞最高級等的先行詞之後多用that)

It was liberation that brought about a complete change in his life. 是解放給他的生活帶來了徹底的改變。(強調結構用that)

There is a house that has bay windows. 有壹棟房子有凸出的窗戶。(that在此表固有的特點)

The distance that you are from home is immaterial. 妳離家的距離是不足道的。(在限制性定語從句中關系代詞用作表語應用that,在描述性定語從句中則應用which)

Which was the hotel that was recommended to you? 哪壹個是推薦給妳的旅館?(這裏用that顯然是為了避免重復which)


Larry told her the story of the young airman which I narrated at the beginning of this book. 拉裏把我在書本開關敘述過的那個關於壹個青年飛行員的故事講給她聽。(離先行詞較遠時常用which)

A store should keep a stock of those goods which sell best. 商店應存在最暢銷的貨物。(“those+復形名詞”之後多用which)

I have that which you gave me. 我有妳給我的那個。(which比較正式,在非正式英語中也可用that)

Beijing, which was China’s capital for more than 800 years, is rich in cultural and historic relics. 北京曾是八百多年的中國首都,有很豐富的歷史文物。(描述性定語從句壹般皆用which)

This is the one of which I’m speaking. 這就是我所講的那個。(介詞之後須用which)


We will put off the picnic until next week, when the weather may be better. 我們打算把野餐推遲到下周,那時天氣可能轉好。(關系副詞when的先行詞是next week)

He came last night when I was out. 他昨晚來時我出去了。(關系副詞when的先行詞是last night)


Every hour since I came has been most enjoyable. 我來之後的每壹個小時都是非常好玩的。(since用作關系副詞)

On the day before we left home there came a snowstorm. 在我們離家的前壹天,下了壹場暴風雪。(before用作關系副詞)

The year after she had finished college she spent abroad. 她大學畢業後的壹年是在國外度過的。(after用作關系副詞)


It happened on the day that I was born. 那件事是在我出生的那壹天發生的。(that=when)

Little do I remember the day that I first met her. 我幾乎不記得與她初次見面的日子。


They went to the Royal Theatre, where they saw Ibsen’s “The Doll’s House”. 他們去皇家劇院看了易蔔生的《傀儡家庭》。

The place where Macbeth met the witches was a desolate heath. 麥克白遇見女巫的地方是壹片荒原。


He has reached the point where a change is needed. 他已到了需要改弦易轍的地步。(where的先行詞point是抽象名詞)


That is no reason why you should leave. 那不是妳必須離開的原因。(why先行詞是reason)

He refused to disclose the reason why he did it. 他拒絕透露他做那件事的原因。(why先行詞是reason)


That’s one of the reasons I asked you to come. 那是我要妳來的原因之壹。(reasons後省去why)


The reason that he died was lack of medical care. 他死於缺乏醫療。(why由that代替)

當先行詞為the way的時候,關系副詞也可以用that,例如:

This is the way that he solved the problem. 這是他解決問題的方法。

I don't like the way that he talks. 我不喜歡他說話的樣子。


What is the name of the boy who brought us the letter? 給我們帶信的那個男孩叫什麽名字?

There is much which will be unpleasing to the English reader. 有許多東西將會使英國讀者不愉快。

The teacher told us that Tom was the only person that was reliable. 老師告訴我們,湯姆是惟壹可依賴的人。

I shall never forget the day when we first met in the park. 我永遠不會忘記我們在公園相見的那壹天。

Is there a store around where we can get fruit? 附近有可以買到水果的商店嗎?

Do you know the reason why I came late? 妳知道我遲到的原故嗎?


I like to chat with John, who is a clever fellow. 我喜歡與約翰交談,他是個聰明人。

Water, which is a clear liquid, has many uses. 水是壹種清澈的液體,有許多用途。

Once more I am in Boston, where I have not been for ten years. 我又壹次來到了波士頓,我有十年沒有到這裏來了。


Then he met Mary, who invited him to a party. 後來他遇到瑪麗,瑪麗邀請他去參加晚會。(who實際上=and she)

When he was seventeen he went to a technical school in Zurich, Switzerland, where he studied mathematics and physics. 他17歲時,到瑞士蘇黎世壹專科學校上學,他在那裏學習數學和物理學。(where=and there)


We don’t like the room, which is cold. 我們不喜歡那個房間,它很冷。(which is cold=since it is cold)

He said he was busy, which was untrue. 他說他很忙,其實不然。(which was untrue=though it was untrue)

I want him, who knows some English. 我要他,他懂得些英語。(who knows some English=for he knows some English)