To the world civilization, made for human happiness, my youth, creating a youth of the family, youth of the state, the national youth, youth of humanity, the earth's youth, youth of the universe, infinite resources to the students happy. -- Li Dazhao young, the king of life, the spring of life, life of china. -- Li Dazhao hundred gold to buy horses, daughter to buy Beauty; million to buy Gao Jue, where to buy it? -- Qu Yuan day is idle, to youth. -- Lin Kuan white hair with my old! No longer young Ru Zhi? Years later the boy will not learn, fame is the husband? -- Yu Liang Bute, youth, is always beautiful, but the youth really, only belong to those who always aim high, selflessly work, humble people forever! -- Lei Feng youth revolution is the pillar. Youth are the fruits of the revolution 's defenders, the history is accelerated to the better world strength. -- Song Qingling ... ... A nation of youth without youth, it is the nations great misfortune. -- Herzen youth is a broad-minded period, ought to make use of this period to develop its own open-minded personality. -- Russell youth sensitive and innovative spirit, with mature scientists a wealth of knowledge and experience combine, can bring out the best in each other. -- Beveridge youth are our future, our hope. -- Stalin any occasion in life to stand in the first line fighter in the ranks. -- Ostrovsky, the struggle of life to make you capable, make you the torment of depression aging; this is the time to cause young people to shoulder the historic mission of the two magic weapons. -- Mao Dun wasted youth without a title, when he and white patch! -- Quan De and Ru Fei accidentally sent, poems, not negative youth take look. -- Yu Qian's friend is a gift you give yourself. A relaxed mood from the responsibility of complete, also from the hope for tomorrow. When a person feel it is gratifying achievement, worth looking forward to harvest, or anticipated life of any project, the heart will have to move to the light. Information society is the competition of high-tech battle, and all this is people-oriented expansion. The value of life itself. Make this life a glorious, everybody is born with the desire. Can have complained of his lonely heart, that you are not really lonely, also to prove that you have a passion for life. Life is not a short candle, but a temporary holding the torch for us. We want to make it burn very splendid. From ignorance to be free from things of the world to the naive naive, rely on personal life art. True love is not known. Friendship, the tree has only one fruit, called trust. To separate when a person, do not feel lonely; in the lonely time, don't feel lonely; in his spare time, do not have nothing to do, which is on the inner abundance. " A secure job " true meaning is not in a place to eat rice, but where are all the food. Bold insights like chess move a piece: it may be eaten, but it is the starting point to seal the victory. When we can freely walk, run, jump time, be aware that this is a happy, don't neglect the happiness. The role of exercise can be used instead of drugs, but no medicine can replace movement. With people of the same waste of life, as people do a bosom. The greatest loneliness to endure is the lack of friendship. Knowledge is love, is light, is another kind of looks at the world with eyes. Once you find a children's self-concept to start, you will see him in the field of learning with fruitful results, but more importantly, you'll see a child begin to understand love life. Pinpoint their own social position in society, not in order to obtain much wealth, but to society dedicated much wisdom. There are many seccessful people, not necessarily because he will do than you, it's only because he dares to do than you. The world's most beautiful frown is in reading about the moment; world's most proud moment in reading that knowing smile. We are so rich and not because of what you have, but because of the lack of anything to. Often a thing failure just because you in the final barrier to stop the advance. Whether you will fail on the verge of success, only to see you have to adhere to the last moment. Where can the life of others who bring sunshine, your life will be bright and cheerful. People like the novel, also appreciate the real beauty. Novelty can temporarily between attract people's attention. But if not have elegant quality, cannot long retained. Everyone is tired of their trouble in finding his most suitable stage of life. Which side of the sky more spacious, he will go home. A person can not be without hope, hope is not achieved, but in the process, we will in the hope of encouragement and increases the survival of courage. A person to obtain the target the more ambitious, his actions are in the slow and quiet start. People always do the importance of trade-offs, and this trade-off often depends on the psychological state of the critical point. Everybody should have two lights, is a promising light, is a courage lights. With the two lights, we are not afraid of the sea and wind billows dark sinister. In the life of every one has his share of essence. We must first understand their own, carefully selected direction, to pursue, it is called to. People can't control the fate, but can control their attitude to destiny. The longer a man can control his destiny fate for attitude, in his power the smaller. Success requires both the spirit, also need patience. Spirit is the engine and propulsion motive power, patience is to cope with defeat, overcome the difficulties which are essential to force. And is a process, if the first stage in the legacy of all the pressure in the shoulder, the future road how to go? Not in anger, hasty, because anger is like the same stupid to with the trip. In nature, although small, but is not useless. Human birth is accidental, but it is one of nature's spokesman, for natural observation of the world, so the world show a specific life. The role of exercise can be used instead of drugs, but no medicine can replace movement.