A man''s not old, but mellow, like good wine.
人不會老朽, 而是越來越有味道,就像美酒。 --Stephen Phillips
My hopes are not always realized, but I always hope.
All the advantage isn''t in running fast, but rather in getting an early start.
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
Ages are all equal, but genius is always above it''s age.
壹切時代都是平等的,但天才總是超越自己所處的時代。--William Blake
Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there is no secure direction; without a direction, there is no life.
理想是燈塔。沒有理想,就沒有明確的航向;沒有航向就沒有生活。--Leo Tolstoy
One may miss the mark by aiming too high as too low.
--Thomas Fuller
Unhappy, hope; happy, be cautions.
--Robert Burton
The world is like a mirror; frown at it and it frowns at you; smile and it smiles too.
A great obstacle to happiness is to anticipate too great a happiness.
通往幸福的最大障礙就是對幸福苛求太多。 --Fontenelle
Life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful.
精彩的人生未必完美。--Annette Funicellogg
An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding.——Robert LouisStevenson 生活的目標,是唯壹值得尋找的財富。—— 史蒂文森 While there is life there is hope. 壹息若存,希望不滅。 —— 英國諺語 Fear not that the life shall come to an end, but rather fear that itshall never have a beginning. ——J.H. Newman
不要害怕妳的生活將要結束,應該擔心妳的生活永遠不會真正開始。——紐曼 Gods determine what you are going to be. —— Julius Erving 人生的奮鬥目標決定妳將成為怎樣的人。——歐文 Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.—— John Ruskin 生活沒有目標,猶如航海沒有羅盤。——羅斯金 Nothing seek, nothing find. 無所求則無所獲。 Man struggles upwards; water flows downwards. 人往高處走,水往低處流。 Pursue your object, be it what it will, steadily and indefatigably. 不管追求什麽目標,都應堅持不懈。