●Money is a good soldier, it could have the courage to make a hundred times.
- Shakespeare
●Money is like manure, such as the feast into the fields by itself has no use. -弗培root
● For those who wasted money is round, but the frugality of the people, money is a flat, one block can be piled up together. - Balzac
● no money is sad, but the excess money is even more deplorable. - Tolstoy
● money can cover many things, but it is not the fruit inside. - Henrik Ibsen
● If you know how to use, money is a good servant, if you do not know how to use, it becomes your master. - Mark Twain
● Although the power of the bear is a stubbornness, but gold can be pulled its nose. - Shakespeare
● Money is not the purpose, and it is only a means to an end. - Margaret Thatcher