2、有效的管理者堅持把重要的事放在前面做,每次只做好壹件事。They concentrate their own time and energy as well as that of their organization-on doing one thing at a time,and on doing first things first.
3、我們該知道運用自己上司的長處,這也正是下屬工作卓有成效的關鍵。Making the strength of the boss productive is a key to the subordinate’s own effectiveness.
4、有效的管理者用人,是著眼於機會,而非著眼於問題。They focus on opportunity in their staffing-not on problems.
5、有效的管理者在用人所長的同時,必須容忍人之所短。The effectiveness executive knows that to get strength one has to put up with weakness.
6、管理者的壹項具體任務就是要把今天的資源投入到創造未來中去。To commit today’s resources to the future.
7、有效的管理者打算做壹項新的業務,壹定先刪除壹項原有的業務。The effective executive will slough off an old activity before he starts on a new one.
8、有效的管理者都知道壹項決策不是從搜集事實開始的,而是先有自己的見解。People do not start out with the search for facts,they start out with an opinion.
9、我們應該將行動納入決策當中,否則就是紙上談兵。A decision will not become effective unless the action commitments have been built into the decision from the start.
10、有效的管理者不做太多的決策。他們所做的,都是重大的決策。Effective executives do not make a great many decisions.:They concentrate on the important ones.
11、有效的管理者需要的是決策的沖擊,而不是決策的技巧;要的是好的決策,而不是巧的決策。They want impact rather than technique,they want to be sound rather than clever.
12、“專心”是壹種勇氣,敢於決定真正該做和真正先做的工作。Concentration-that is,the courage to impose on time and events his own decision as to what really matters and comes first.