1 相信朋友的忠誠。相信自己的勇氣。相信敵人的愚蠢。
I believe the loyalty of friends. I believe his courage. I believe the enemy's stupid.
2 人生最大的錯誤是不斷擔心會犯錯。
The biggest mistake in life is constantly worried about making mistakes.
3 成功=艱苦勞動+正確方法+少說空話。
Success = hard work + + less empty talk the right approach.
4 無限相信書籍的力量,是我的教育信仰的.真諦之壹。?蘇霍姆林斯基
"I believe the power of unlimited books, is one of the true meaning of my educational beliefs. - Sukhomlinski "
5 日出東海落西山,愁也壹天,喜也壹天;遇事不鉆牛角尖,人也舒坦,心也舒坦。
"Sunrise East China Sea off the sun, unhappy even a single day, joyful one day; failing into a dead end, people are comfortable, the heart is also comfortable. "
6 既然壹切都會過去,那我們壹定要抓住現在的。
"Since everything will be over, and that we must seize now. "
7 才能壹旦讓懶惰支配,它就壹無可為。
Once dominated lazy to make it a no to.
8 信心毅力勇氣三者具備,則天下沒有做不成的事。
"Confidence with perseverance and courage, the world is not impossible to do things. "
9 靜靜的心裏,都有壹道最美麗的風景。
"Quiet heart, has a most beautiful scenery. "
10 人生最終的價值在於覺醒和思考的能力,而不只在於生存。?亞裏士多德
"The final value of life lies in the awakening and the ability to think, not only is survival. - Aristotle "
11 改變自己是自救,影響別人是救人。
"Change yourself is self-help, influence others is to save people. "
12 人的價值是由自己決定的。?盧梭
Person's value is determined by its own. - Rousseau
13 生命不等於是呼吸,生命是活動。?盧梭
"So breathe life ranging, life is active. - Rousseau "
14 用鞭子抽著,陀螺才會旋轉。
"Smoking with a whip, gyro will rotate. "
15 生氣是拿別人做錯的事來懲罰自己。
Angry is another mistake to punish themselves.
16 不論成功還是失敗,都是系於自己。?朗費羅
"Regardless of success or failure, are tied to their own. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow "
17 成功需要付出代價,不成功需要付出更高的代價。
"Success comes at a price, unsuccessful to pay a higher price. "
18 天空黑暗到壹定程度,星辰就會熠熠生輝。
"Sky dark to a certain extent, the stars will shine. "
19 燧石受到的敲打越厲害,發出的光就越燦爛。?盧梭
"Flint by beating the more powerful, more brilliant light emitted. - Rousseau "
20 如果不想被打倒,只有增加自身的重量。
"If you do not want to be overthrown, and only increase its own weight. "
21 讀書也像開礦壹樣?沙裏淘金?。?趙樹理
"Like reading, like mining, ""Shalitaojin."" - Zhao Shuli "
22 本性的蘇醒,往往在遭遇真實之後。
"Nature's wake, often after a real encounter. "
23 對於每壹個不利條件,都會存在與之相對應的有利條件。
For each adverse conditions will exist with the corresponding favorable conditions.
24 每個人出生的時候都是原創,可悲的是很多人漸漸都成了盜版。
"Each person is born when the original, sadly, many people gradually became piracy. "
25 選擇比努力重要,態度比能力重要,立場比實力重要。
"Select important than the effort, attitude more important than the ability to stand more important than strength. "
26 書籍是巨大的力量。?列寧
Books are a huge force. - Lenin
27 "和妳壹同笑過的人,妳可能把他忘掉,但是和妳壹同哭過的人,妳卻永遠不忘。?"
"And you laugh with people, you might forget him, but who cried with you, but you never forget .- "
28 不管別人臉上有沒有飯粒,都請妳先照照鏡子。
"Whether someone's face there is no rice, all you please look in the mirror. "
29 有壹種懂得叫珍惜,有壹種浪漫叫平淡,有壹種幸福叫簡單。
"There is a call to cherish know, there is a romance called dull, there is a well-known simple. "
30 當妳感到無助的時候,還有壹種堅實的力量可以依靠,那就是妳自己。
"When you feel helpless, there is a solid force can rely on, and that is your own. "
31 忍壹時之氣,免百日之憂。
"Endure a moment of anger, Free hundred days of sorrow. "
32 活在這世上,就會被人攻擊。要談戀愛,就會被感情傷。
"Live in this world, you will be attacked people. To fall in love, the feelings will be hurt. "
33 美麗的藍圖,落在懶漢手裏,也不過是壹頁廢紙。
"Beautiful blueprint, in the hands of lazy, is but one page of paper. "
34 快樂是壹種能力。
Happiness is a capability.
35 妳要做多大的事情,就該承受多大的壓力。
"How much do you have to do, in relation to withstand much pressure. "
36 寧可失敗在妳喜歡的事情上,也不要成功在妳所憎惡的事情上。
"Rather fail on things you enjoy, and do not succeed at something you hate. "
37 讀書忌死讀,死讀鉆牛角。?葉聖陶
Avoid dead reading reading reading drill dead horns. - Tao
38 書猶藥也,善讀可以醫愚。?劉向
"Book Utah drug also, good health fool can read. - Liu Xiang "
39 給事物賦予什麽樣的價值,人們就有什麽樣的行動。
"Things given to what kind of value, people will have what kind of action. "
40 成功不是將來才有的,而是從決定去做的那壹刻起,持續累積而成。
"Success is not only the future, but decided to do from the moment, continued accumulation. "
41 愛像圓周率,無限不循環。
"Love is like pi, an infinite loop is not. "
42 想過去是雜念,想未來是妄想,最好把握當下時刻。
"Like in the past are distractions, think about the future is wishful thinking, the best time to grasp the moment. "
43 年輕是我們唯壹擁有權利去編織夢想的時光。
Young is the only time we have the right to dream weaving.
44 起跑領先壹小步,人生領先壹大步。
"Start leading a small step, a big step ahead in life. "
45 閑時多讀書,博覽聚才氣;眾前慎言行,低調養清氣。
"Leisure more books, Expo poly talent; cautious line before the congregation, understated keep clear air. "
46 立誌欲堅不欲銳,成功在久不在速。?張孝祥
"Determined To Kennedy does not want sharp, eventually becoming successful in speed. - Auspicious "
47 人的壹生是短的,但如果卑劣地過這壹生,就太長了。?莎士比亞
"Human life is short, but if despicable in this life, it is too long. - Shakespeare "
48 自信是成功的第壹訣竅。
Self-confidence is the first trick to success.
49 如果妳還認為自己還年輕,還可以蹉跎歲月的話,妳終將壹事無成,老來嘆息。
"If you still think you're young, you can also wasted years, you will eventually get nowhere old, sigh. "
50 生命如同寓言,其價值不在與長短,而在與內容。?塞涅卡
"Life as a fable, its value is not in the length, but with the content. - Seneca "