當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 名言警句 - 來自希臘神話和聖經的諺語(五)


15.Adam's Apple喉結

 亞當是聖經中人類的始祖,而蘋果的歷史比人類的歷史還悠久。在世界各文明古國的民間故事和神話傳說中,蘋果都是受人喜愛的壹種果實。英語中有個諺語:An apple a day keeps the doctor away.但據聖經故事上說,蘋果也給人類帶來了麻煩,男人的喉結就是因吃蘋果引起的。



 eg: Your Adam's apple isn't apparent.

 Adam's apple can be more clearly seen on men than women's throats.

 16.Sell One's Birthright for a Mess of Pottages因小失大;見利棄義

 Sell One's Birthright for a Mess of Pottages直譯是:"為了壹碗紅豆湯而出賣了長子繼承權"。



 由此,人們用to sell one's birthright for a mess of pottage短語,來比喻to exchange something of lasting value for something that is of value for a short time only; to suffer a big loss for a little gain.這個成語常縮略為for a mess of pottage的形式。有時也可用to sell one's birthrights.

 eg: It was argued that joining the Common Market……would be giving away her national rights and advantages for a mess of pottage.

 There are many, many people who are willing to prostitute their intelligence for a mess of pottage.

 17.The Apple of Ones' Eye

 The Apple of Ones' Eye的字面意思是"某人眼裏的蘋果",在這裏,apple指的是the pupil(瞳孔,眼珠),大概因眼珠圓的象蘋果之故。瞳孔是眼睛最重要的部分,失去瞳孔,光線就無法通過虹膜中心的圓孔進入眼內而變成了瞎子。所以,這個成語常用來比喻象愛護眼珠壹樣愛護某個最心愛的人或珍貴的東西,即表示a cherished person or object; sth extremely precious to one; sb dearly loved等意

 這個成語來字《舊約。申命記》(Deuteronomy)第32章"耶和華遇見他在曠野荒涼、野獸吼叫之地,就環繞他,看顧他,保護他如同保護眼裏的瞳人。"在聖經其他地方也有類似的話。英文版《舊約。詩篇》(Psalm)第17章有這樣的句子:"Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me under the shadow of the wings"

 成語the apple of one's eye是固定結構,不得寫成the apple of the eye of…的形式;在搭配上,它常與動詞be,keep, care for等連用。按其想象意義,它與漢語成語"掌上明珠"頗相似,但其比喻的對象較漢語"掌珠"更廣,因"掌珠"通常指心愛的女兒,而不能用與其他場合。

 eg: Little Mary is the apple of her father's eye

 Mind the reputation of your school as you care for the apple of your eye.

 18.The writing/Finger on the Wall不詳之兆;大禍臨頭

 這個成語的字面意思是"墻上的文字(或手指)",而實際含義是a sign or warning of impending disaster(迫在眉睫的兇兆);a sign that sth bad will happen; a feeling that ones number is up;等等。其語言外殼與內涵是怎樣聯系起來的呢?還是出自《聖經》

 據《舊約。但以理書》(Daniel)第5章記述:有壹次古巴比倫(Babylonian)的國王伯沙撒(Belshazar)正在宮殿裏設宴縱飲時,突然,不知從哪裏出現了壹個神秘的手指,當者國王的面,在王宮與燈臺相對的粉墻上寫西了四個奇怪的單詞:MENE(彌尼)、MENE(彌尼)、TEKEL(提客勒)、UPHARSING (烏法珥新)。國王張皇失措,驚恐萬分,誰也不懂墻上所寫的字是什麽意思。後來叫來了被虜的*預言家但以理,才明白了這幾個字的意思就是大難臨頭。他說:"彌尼就是上帝已經數算妳國的年日到此為完畢;提客勒就是妳被稱在天平裏顯出妳的虧欠;烏法珥新就是妳的國分裂,歸與瑪代人和波斯人。"果然,當夜伯沙撒被殺,又62歲的瑪代人大利烏取而代之。

 依次,"墻上的文字(或手指)"就表示身死國亡的兇兆。英語中這個成語有幾種表達方式:the writing/handwriting on the wall或a finger on the wall,通常與be,like等系動詞連用;有時寫成see/read the writing on he wall的句型,表示提出警告,such as :Don't you see the writing on the wall, 有時候也可省略on the wall,只說Don't you see the writing?意思也是壹樣的。

 eg: This inexplicable incident seemed, like the Babylonian finger on the wall, to be spelling out the letter of my judgement……

 In this house of his there was writing on every wall. His business-like temperament protested against a mysterious warning that she was not made for him.

 John's employer had less and less work for him; John could read the writing on the wall.

 The writing on the wall is clear: if man behaves like an animal and allow his population to increase while each nation steadily increases he complexity and range of its environment, nature will take her course and the law of the Jungle will prevail.

 When Bill's team lost four games in a row, he saw the handwriting on the wall.