英語四級常用諺語摘抄1.A little learning/knowledge is a dangerous thing壹知半解,禍莫大焉。
2.Live and learn活到老,學到老。
3.Make hay while the sun shines抓緊時機。
4.Old habits die hard積習難改。
5.A penny saved is a penny eamed積少成多,集腋成裘。
6.People who live in glass houses shouldn?t throw stones自己有缺點,勿揭他人短。
7.The pot calls the kettle black五十步笑百步。
8.Practice makes perfect熟能生巧。
9.Practice what you preach身體力行。
10.Prepare for the worst and hope for the best做最壞的準備,懷最好的希望。
11.Pride will have a fall驕兵必敗。
12.Procrastination is the thief of time拖延就是偷走時間。
13.Promise little,but do much少許願,多做事。
14.A sound mind in a sound body有健全的身體,才有健全的心智。
15.Spare the rod and spoil the child孩子不打不成器。
16.A stitch in time saves nine小洞不補,大洞吃苦。
17.Strike while the iron is hot趁熱打鐵。
18.Swift to hear,slow to speak多聽少講。
19.Take care of the pence/pennies,and the pounds will take care of themselves積少成多。/小事謹慎,大事自成。
20.There is no royal road to leaming書山有路勤為徑,學海無涯苦作舟。
21.There?s more than one way to skin a cat條條大路通羅馬。
22.Tomorrow is another day明天又是新的壹天。/明天還有指望。
英語四級常用諺語推薦1.Tomorrow never comes切莫依賴明天。/永遠不會有那壹天。
2.Well begun is halfdone好的開始就等於成功的壹半。
3.We never know the worth of water till the well is dry井幹方知水寶貴。
4.More hasteless speed欲速則不達。
5.Never do things by halves切勿半途而廢。
6.Never Put off until tomorrow what you can do today今日事,今日畢。
7.Never say never永不說不。
8.No gain without pain不勞無獲。
9.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart世上無難事,只怕有心人。
10.An work and no play makes Jack a dull boy只工作不玩耍,聰明的孩子也變傻。
11.The child is the father of/to the mall三歲看老。
12.Don?t bite off more than you can chew貪多嚼不爛。
13.Earlv to bed and early to rise makes a mail healthy,wealthy and wise早睡早起身體好。He that will thrive must rise at five業精於勤。
14.An hour in the morning is worth two in the evenin/The morning hour has
15.gold in its mouth壹天之計在於晨。
16.If a thing is worth doing,it?s worth doing well凡值得壹做的事,都值得做好。
17.If at first you don?t succeed,try,try,try again如果開始不成功,那就壹試再試。
18.Where there is a will,there is a way有誌者事竟成。
19.With time andpatience the leafofthe mulberry becomes satin只要功夫深,鐵杵磨成針。
20.Time past cannot be called back again光陰壹去不復返。
英語四級常用諺語精選1.Youth?s stuff will not endure青春易逝。
2.The first step to knowledge is to know that we are ignorant走向知識的第壹步是知道自己無知。
3.Never too old too learn活到老,學到老。
4.To read without reflecting is like eating without digestin學而不思,如食而不化。
5.Thought is the seed of action思想是行動的種子。
6.To be honest is the best policy誠實為上策。
7.Labor is often the father of pleasure勤奮是快樂之父。
8.Ideals are like stars?we never reach them,but like marlners,we chart our courses by them人之需要理想,如水手之需星辰;星辰雖不可及,但可指引我們航程。
9.He that can have patience can have what he will惟堅韌者始能遂其誌。
10.We all live under the same sky,but we don?t all have the same horizon同在蒼穹下,視野各不同。
11.Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass生活而無目標,如航海而無羅盤。
12.If winter comes。can spring be far behind?冬天來了,春天還會遠嗎?
13.As you give,as you receive/As you sow,you shall mow種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆。
14.He who has not tasted bitter does not know what sweet is苦盡甘來。
15.Better early than late寧早勿遲。
16.Wisdom is only found in truth惟有在真理中才能找到智慧。