——
維吉尼亞·伍兒夫
2.
"Tell
me
what
you
eat,
and
will
tell
you
who
you
are."
-Brillat-Savarin
告訴我妳平時吃什麽,我就能說出妳是怎麽樣的壹個人.
——布裏亞·薩瓦蘭
3.
Let
food
be
thy
medicine,
thy
medicine
shall
be
thy
food.-
Hippocrates
讓食物成為妳的藥品,藥品應該是妳的食物.
——希波克拉底
4.
Part
of
the
secret
of
success
in
life
is
to
eat
what
you
like
and
let
the
food
fight
it
out
inside.-Mark
Twain
人生成功的壹部分秘訣是,吃下愛吃的東西,然後讓食物在肚子裏鬥爭到底.
——馬克·吐溫
5.
Better
to
eat
a
dry
crust
of
bread
with
peace
of
mind
than
have
a
banquet
in
a
house
full
of
trouble-Proverbs
設筵滿屋,大家相爭,不如有塊幹餅,大家相安.
——箴言17:1
6.
The
more
you
eat,
the
less
flavor;
the
less
you
eat,
the
more
flavor.
~Chinese
Proverb
多吃少滋味,少吃多滋味.
——中國諺語
7.
The
spirit
cannot
endure
the
body
when
overfed,
but,
if
underfed,
the
body
cannot
endure
the
spirit.
~St
Frances
de
Sales
食之過飽,心靈無法容忍軀體;食不果腹,軀體同樣無法支撐心靈.
——
賽爾斯
8.
The
doctor
of
the
future
will
give
no
medication,
but
will
interest
his
patients
in
the
care
of
the
human
frame,
diet
and
in
the
cause
and
prevention
of
disease.