當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 名言警句 - 海底總動員 馬林和多力參加鯊魚聚會前後四分鐘的臺詞

海底總動員 馬林和多力參加鯊魚聚會前後四分鐘的臺詞


-Wow, -Mmm, -哇. -嗯. -Wow, -Mm-hmm, -哇. -嗯哼. -Wow, -Yes, Marlin, -哇. -是的, 莫林. No, I see it. It's beautiful. 我看到了. 這真是太美了. So, Coral, when you said you wanted an ocean view... 記得麽, 卡蘿, 當妳說妳想看到這個海洋的景色的時候... you didn't think you'd get the whole ocean, did you? 沒想到我們會搬到海邊來住想過嗎? Oh, yeah. A fish can breathe out here. 喔, 耶. 這裏可是魚的自由天地啊 Did your man deliver, or did he deliver? 妳說妳老公我,說話算不算數啊? -My man delivered. -And it wasn't so easy. -算數,行了吧 -我可是費了不少波折的啊. Because a lot of other clownfish had their eyes on this place. 因為有許多其他的小醜魚也覬覦這塊地方. You better believe they did-- every single one of them. 妳最好相信這點-- 他們誰不想住這啊. Mm-hmm. You did good. 嗯. 妳做得很好. And the neighborhood is awesome. 還有鄰居們是在是太棒了. So, you do like it, don't you? 那麽, 妳喜歡這裏, 是不是? No, no. I do, I do. I really do like it. 是的, 是的. 我喜歡, 我喜歡. 我真的很喜歡這裏. But, Marlin, I know that the drop off is desirable... 但是, 莫林, 我知道住在這裏會很愜意... with the great schools and the amazing view... 伴隨著大學校和這美妙的風景... but do we really need so much space? 但是我們真的需要這麽大的地方嗎? but do we really need so much space? 但是我們真的需要這麽大的地方嗎?Coral, honey, these are our kids we're talking about. 卡蘿, 親愛的, 我們在說我們的孩子們.They deserve the best. Look, look, look. 他們應該得到最好的東西. 看, 看, 看.They'll wake up, poke their little heads out... 他們醒來, 把他們小小的腦袋從這裏探出來... and they see a whale! Right by their bedroom window. 然後他們看到了壹只鯨魚! 就在他們臥房的窗戶外面. and they see a whale! Right by their bedroom window. 然後他們看到了壹只鯨魚! 就在他們臥房的窗戶外面. Shh. You'll wake the kids. 噓. 妳會吵醒孩子們的. Oh, right, right. 喔, 好的, 好的. Aw, look. They're dreaming. 噢, 看. 他們還在夢鄉中. We still have to name them. 我們還要給他們起名字. You want to name all of them right now? 妳現在想給所有這些孩子起名字? All right, we'll name this half Marlin Junior... 好吧, 我們把這壹半叫做小莫林... and this half Coral Junior. 這壹半叫做小卡蘿. –OK, we're done. -I like Nemo. -好了, 我們就這麽決定了. -我喜歡尼莫這個名字. Nemo. We'll name one Nemo... 尼莫. 我們只能選其中的壹個叫尼莫... but I'd like most of them to be Marlin Junior. 但是我願意把其他的都叫做小莫林.Just think, in a couple of days... 只要壹想, 用不了幾天... -we're going to be parents. -Yeah. -我們就要當爸爸媽媽了. -是啊. What if they don't like me? 他們要是不喜歡我怎麽辦?-Marlin. -No, really. -莫林. -不, 是真的. There's over 400 eggs. Odds are, one will like you. 這裏有400多個蛋. 按機率來算總會有壹個會喜歡妳的. What? 怎麽了? -You remember how we met? -I try not to. -妳還記得我們是怎麽認識的嗎? -我不想記起來了. Well, I remember. "Excuse me, miss... 那好, 我記得. ''對不起, 小姐... "can you check and see if I have a hook in my lip?" ''妳能幫我看壹下我嘴唇上是否有個魚鉤?'' You got a little closer because it was wiggling. 妳靠近了壹點,因為它還在晃動著. -Get away, get away! -Here he is. Cutie's here. -走開, 走開! -他來啦. 美人在這呢. Where did everybody go? 大家都去哪了? Coral, get inside the house. 卡蘿, 快回房子裏. No, Coral, don't. They'll be fine. 不, 卡蘿, 別動. 他們會沒事的. Just get inside-- You, right now. 快進去-- 妳快點, 現在就進去. No! Ow! 不! 噢! Oh! 喔! Ooh! Ooh! 哦! 哦! Coral! 卡蘿! Coral? 卡蘿? Coral? 卡蘿? Coral? 卡蘿? Coral? 卡蘿? Coral? 卡蘿? Oh! 噢! Ohh. 噢. There, there, there. 好了, 好了, 好了. It's OK. Daddy's here. 沒事了. 爸爸在這裏. Daddy's got you. 爸爸找到妳了. I promise, I will never let anything happen to you... 我保證, 我不會再讓妳出什麽事了... Nemo. 尼莫. NEM First day of school! 片名:海底總動員. Wake up, wake up! First day of school. 尼莫: 開學啦! I don't want to go to school-- five more minutes. 起來, 起來! 開學第壹天啦. Not you, Dad, me. 我不想上學-- 再睡五分鐘. -OK. Huh? -Get up, get up. 不是妳, 老爸, 是我. It's time for school, time for school. -好吧. 啊? -起來, 起來. All right, I'm up. 該去上學了, 該去上學了. Whoa! 好吧, 我起來. -Nemo! -First day of school! 哇! -Nemo, don't move. -Unh! Unh! -尼莫! -開學了! You'll never get out of there yourself. -尼莫, 不要動. -啊! 啊! I'll do it. Unh! 妳自己出不來的. -You feel a break? -No. 我來幫妳. 啊! Sometimes you can't tell 'cause fluid rushes to the area. -妳休要休息壹下嗎? -不. -Are you woozy? -No. 有時候妳會分辨不清因為這個地區有急流. -How many stripes do I have? -I'm fine. -妳頭暈嗎? -不. -Answer the stripe question. -Three. -我有多少個條紋? -我沒事. No! See? Something's wrong with you. -回答我的問題. -三條. I have one, two, three-- That's all I have? 不! 看到了嗎? 妳肯定有毛病了. You're OK. How's the lucky fin? 我有 壹, 二, 三-- 我只有這麽多麽? -Lucky. -Let's see. 妳沒事了. 妳的幸運鰭怎麽樣了? Are you sure you want to go to school this year? -幸運鰭. -讓我們看看. There's no problem if you don't. You can wait 5 or 6 years. 妳確認妳今年想去上學嗎? Come on, Dad, it's time for school. 妳如果不想去也沒有關系. 妳可以再等個五六年再去. -Forgot to brush. -Ohh. 老爸, 該去上學了. Do you want this anemone to sting you? -妳忘記擦防護油了. -噢. -Yes. -Brush. 妳想讓這個海葵刺疼妳嗎? -OK, I'm done. -You missed a spot. -好的. -快擦. -Where? -There. -好了, 擦完了. -有壹點沒擦到. -Where? -There. -哪? -那裏. Ha ha! Right there. And here and here. -哪? -那裏. All right, we're excited. 哈哈! 就是那. 還有這. All right, we're excited. 好了, 我們都很激動. The first day of school. Here we go. 好了, 我們都很高興 We're ready to learn to get some knowledge. 第壹天去上學. 我們走. What's the one thing we have to remember about the ocean? 我們要學壹些知識. -It's not safe. -That's my boy. 對於海洋我們要記住哪壹點? First, we check to see that the coast is clear. -它並不安全. -好孩子. We go out...and back in. 首先, 我們要檢查壹下是否暢通無阻. And then we go out... and back in. 我們出去...回來. And then one more time-- out and back in. 我們出去... 回來. And sometimes, if you want to do it four times-- 然後再來壹次-- 出去...再回來. -Dad... -All right, come on, boy. 有的時候, 如果妳要來回四次-- Maybe while I'm at school, I'll see a shark. -老爸... -好吧, 我們走. 孩子. -I highly doubt that. -Have you ever met a shark? 可能我在學校的時候, 我會見到鯊魚. No, and I don't plan to. -我對這點表示非常的懷疑. -妳曾經見到過鯊魚嗎? -How old are sea turtles? -I don't know. 沒有, 我也不想見到. Sandy Plankton from next door... -這些海龜有多大了? -我不知道. he says that sea turtles live to be about 1 00 years old. 隔壁的山笛叔叔說... he says that sea turtles live to be about 1 00 years old. 他說這些海龜已經活了大約100年了. If I ever meet a sea turtle, I'll ask him. 他說這些海龜已經活了大約100年了. After I'm done talking to the shark, OK? 如果我見到海龜的話, 我會問他的. Whoa! Hold on. Wait to cross. 在我和鯊魚談完話以後, 好嗎? Whoa! Hold on. Wait to cross. 哇! 等壹下. 等下再過. Hold my fin. 哇! 等壹下. 等下再過. Dad, you're not going to freak out... 抓住我的鰭. Iike you did at the petting zoo, are you? 老爸, 妳要像上次在寵物公園壹樣... MARLlN: That snail was about to charge. 大驚小怪吧 Hmm. I wonder where we're supposed to go. 看好那只海螺,他正要向妳撲過來 ALL: Bye, Mom! 嗯. 我在想我們要去哪. I'll pick you up after school. 再見, 媽媽! Ha ha! 放學後我會去接妳們. Come on, you guys, stop it! Give it back! 哈哈! Come on, we'll try over there. 快, 妳們這些家夥, 不要! 把它還給我! Excuse me, is this where we meet his teacher? 來, 我們去那邊. Well, look who's out of the anemone. 對不起, 這裏是見老師的地方嗎? Yes. Shocking, I know. 喔, 看看是誰從海葵裏出來了. Yes. Shocking, I know. 是的. 妳們很驚訝, 我知道. -Marty, right? -Marlin. 是的. 我很少出門. -Bob. -Ted. -瑪蒂, 是不是? -莫林. Bill. Hey, you're a clownfish. -鮑勃. -柯特. You're funny, right? Tell us a joke. 比爾. 嘿, 妳是個小醜魚. -Yeah. -Yeah. 妳很搞笑, 對不對? 給我們講個笑話. Well, actually, that's a common misconception. -耶. -耶. Clownfish are no funnier than any other fish. 那個, 事實上, 這通常是個誤解. -Come on, clownie. -Do something funny. 小醜魚不會比其他魚搞笑的. All right, I know one joke. -來吧, 小醜. -來些有趣的. There's a mollusk, see? And he walks up to a sea-- 好吧, 我知道壹個段子. He doesn't walk up, he swims up. 有壹個軟體動物, 知道嗎? 他向大海走過去-- Actually, the mollusk isn't moving. 他不是走過去的, 他是遊過去的.

He's in one place, and then the sea cucumber... 事實上, 軟體動物是不能動窩的. Well, they--I'm mixed up. 他就待在原地, 然後那個海參... There was a mollusk and a sea cucumber. 那個, 他們--我弄混了. None of them were walking, so forget that l-- 有壹個軟體動物和壹個海參. None of them were walking, so forget that l-- 哎呀,我說亂了 Sheldon! Get out of Mr. Johannsen's yard now! 軟體動物和海參他們都不會走, 我剛才講得不對- -Whoa! -All right, you kids! 快離開那片院子 Ooh, where'd you go? -哇! -好吧, 妳們這些小家夥! Dad, can I go play, too? Can l? 喔, 妳們去哪了? I would feel better if you'd play on the sponge beds. 老爸, 我也可以去玩嗎? 可以嗎? That's where I would play. 如果妳去玩那些海綿墊子我會感覺好壹些. -What's wrong with his fin? -He looks funny. 我以前常去 Ow! Hey, what'd I do? -他的鰭是怎麽了? -他看起來很有趣. Be nice. It's his first time at school. 喔! 嘿, 我怎麽了? He was born with it. We call it his lucky fin. 不懂禮貌. 這是他第壹次來學校. -Dad... -See this tentacle? 他生來就有那個. 我們叫它幸運鰭. It's actually shorter than all my other tentacles... -老爸... -看到這個觸角了麽? but you can't really tell. 事實上這個比我其他的觸角短... Especially when I twirl them like this. 但是妳幾乎看不出來. I'm H-2-O intolerant. 尤其是我這樣擺動的時候. -Ah-choo! -I'm obnoxious. 我有嚴重的風水癥. ## Oh ## -啊-咻! -我有多動癥 ## Let's name the zones, the zones, the zones ## # 哦 # ## Let's name the zones of the open sea ## # 讓我們給這些地方起名字, 這些地方, 這些地方 # KlDS: Mr. Ray! # 讓我們給廣闊的海洋起名字 # -Come on, Nemo. -You better stay with me. 雷老師來了! ## Mesopelagic, bathyal, abyssalpelagic ## -來吧, 尼莫. -妳最好和我待在壹起. ## All the rest are too deep for you and me to see ## # 海洋中層, 半深海, 和深海區域 # Huh. I wonder where my class has gone? # 其它的地方對於妳我都太深了所以看不到 # ALL: We're under here! 哈. 我想知道我的學生都哪去了? Oh, there you are. 我們在下面呢! Climb aboard, explorers. 哦, 妳們在這. ## Oh, knowledge exploring ## 上船了, 探險家們. ## Is, oh, so lyrical ## # 喔, 充滿知識的探險 # ## When you think thoughts that are empirical ## # 喔, 多麽的愉快 # Dad, you can go now. # 當妳考慮妳的想法的時候那是以經驗為根據的 # -Hello. Who is this? -I'm Nemo. 老爸, 妳可以走了. Nemo, all new explorers must answer a science question. -妳好. 這是誰? -我是 尼莫. -OK. -You live in what kind of home? 尼莫, 所有新來的探險者必須回答壹個科學問題. An anemon-none. -好的. -妳住在壹個什麽樣的房子裏 A nemenem-menome. 在海葵...葵. OK, don't hurt yourself. Welcome aboard, explorers. 在海...海...葵...葵裏. Just so you know, he's got a little fin. 好了, 不要讓妳自己為難. 歡迎上船, 探險家們. I find if he's having trouble swimming... 就像妳知道的那樣, 他的鰭很小. I let him take a break, 10, 15 minutes. 遊泳不方便... NEM Dad, it's time for you to go now. 遊10 到 15 分鐘.我會讓他休息壹下 Don't worry. We're gonna stay together as a group. 老爸, 妳該走了. OK, class, optical orbits up front. 不要擔心. 我們會像壹個團隊壹樣待在壹起的. And remember, we