每壹本書都是壹個用黑字印在白紙上的 靈魂,只要我的眼睛、我的理智接觸了它,它就活起來了——高爾基
熱愛書吧——這是知識的泉源!只有知識才是有用的,只有它才能夠使我們在精神上 成為堅強、忠誠和有理智的人,成為能夠真正愛人類、尊重人類勞動、衷 心地欣賞人類那不間斷的偉大勞動所產生的美好果實的人——高爾基
理 想的書籍,是智慧的鑰匙——列夫?托爾斯泰
和書籍生活在壹起,永遠 不會嘆氣——羅曼·羅蘭
閱讀使人充實;會談使人敏捷;寫作與筆記使 人精確。史鑒使人明智;詩歌使人巧慧;數學使人精細;博物使人深沈; 倫理使人莊重;邏輯與修辭使人善辯——培根
各種蠢事,在每天閱 讀好書的影響下,仿佛烤在火上壹樣,漸漸熔化——雨果
書 讀的越多而不假思索,妳就會覺得妳知道得很多;但當妳讀書而思考越多 的時候,妳就會清楚地看到妳知道得很少——伏爾泰
讀書是我唯壹的娛樂。我不把時間浪費於酒店、賭博或任何壹種惡劣的遊戲;而我對於事業 的勤勞,仍是按照必要,不倦不厭——富蘭克林
每壹本書都是壹個用黑字印在白紙上的 靈魂,只要我的眼睛、我的理智接觸了它,它就活起來了——高爾基
熱愛書吧——這是知識的泉源!只有知識才是有用的,只有它才能夠使我們在精神上 成為堅強、忠誠和有理智的人,成為能夠真正愛人類、尊重人類勞動、衷 心地欣賞人類那不間斷的偉大勞動所產生的美好果實的人——高爾基
理 想的書籍,是智慧的鑰匙——列夫?托爾斯泰
和書籍生活在壹起,永遠 不會嘆氣——羅曼·羅蘭
閱讀使人充實;會談使人敏捷;寫作與筆記使 人精確。史鑒使人明智;詩歌使人巧慧;數學使人精細;博物使人深沈; 倫理使人莊重;邏輯與修辭使人善辯——培根
各種蠢事,在每天閱 讀好書的影響下,仿佛烤在火上壹樣,漸漸熔化——雨果
書 讀的越多而不假思索,妳就會覺得妳知道得很多;但當妳讀書而思考越多 的時候,妳就會清楚地看到妳知道得很少——伏爾泰
讀書是我唯壹的娛樂。我不把時間浪費於酒店、賭博或任何壹種惡劣的遊戲;而我對於事業 的勤勞,仍是按照必要,不倦不厭——富蘭克林
書籍使人們成為宇宙的主人 ——巴甫連柯
書不僅是生活,而且是現在、過去和未來文化生活的源泉 ——庫法耶夫
Books are great power -- Lenin
Books are young people not be separated life partner, and mentors - gorky
Reading a good book, and it is as many noble man talk - Descartes
The more we study, the more you feel emptiness -- Shelley's belly
Every book is a black and white with printed in the soul, as long as my eyes, my sanity contact with it, it live up - gorky
Time gives us experience, read to our knowledge - AoSiTeLuoFuSiJi
Love books - this is a fountain of knowledge! Only knowledge is useful, only it can make us mentally become strong, loyal and rational person, be able to really love human, respect human labor, human nature appreciation shadow.molecules the uninterrupted except the great who produce good fruit - gorky
Richard want to book is the key to wisdom - life.? Tolstoy
And books life together, never sigh - Roman Rowland
Reading makes a full man; Talks make person agile; Writing and writing an exact man. Literariness make men wise; Poetry make person artful hui; The mathematics subtle; Cear museum; Moral grave; Logic and rhetoric, able to contend -- bacon
Books - contemporary real university - Thomas? Carlyle
Various stupid things, read in reading a good book every day under the influence of baked in the fire, as if, as melting - Hugo gradually
A life without books, like no sunlight; Wisdom without books, like the bird have no wings - Shakespeare
Life in this world, not reading is impossible to understand people - gorky
The more you read and without thinking, you will feel that you know a lot; But when you are reading and thinking more, you will clearly see that you know very little - voltaire
Reading is my only entertainment. I don't waste your time in hotels, gambling or any kind of bad games; And I for the hard-working career, is still necessary, and indefatigable in accordance with incomparable - franklin
Book - man has the most beautiful sound. - levin
Books are a great genius leaves to mankind's heritage. - Addison
The essence of the whole past time everything in the book. - Carlyle
Book, is a common human spirit wealth, is the ladder of the progress of mankind.
Books, to the breast milk, feeding heart is the key to wisdom enlightenment.
The reading of all good books is like the finest men of past talk. - Descartes
Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. - bacon
Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. - Addison
The book is a good partner. It wisdom in the mind, but not talkative.
In your desire, it came to give a detailed instruction,
But never nagging. - than cut
Reading a good book, like made a specialty. - zang gram house
Good books on juvenile growth and even their lives,
Will have far-reaching effects.
Reading is to mind the materials provide knew;
Thinking just make us reading things become our own. - Locke
Words about a book
-- -- -- -- -- --
Books are great power -- Lenin
Books are young people not be separated life partner, and mentors - gorky
Reading a good book, and it is as many noble man talk - Descartes
The more we study, the more you feel emptiness -- Shelley's belly
Every book is a black and white with printed in the soul, as long as my eyes, my sanity contact with it, it live up - gorky
Time gives us experience, read to our knowledge - AoSiTeLuoFuSiJi
Love books - this is a fountain of knowledge! Only knowledge is useful, only it can make us mentally become strong, loyal and rational person, be able to really love human, respect human labor, human nature appreciation shadow.molecules the uninterrupted except the great who produce good fruit - gorky
Richard want to book is the key to wisdom - life.? Tolstoy
And books life together, never sigh - Roman Rowland
Reading makes a full man; Talks make person agile; Writing and writing an exact man. Literariness make men wise; Poetry make person artful hui; The mathematics subtle; Cear museum; Moral grave; Logic and rhetoric, able to contend -- bacon
Books - contemporary real university - Thomas? Carlyle
Various stupid things, read in reading a good book every day under the influence of baked in the fire, as if, as melting - Hugo gradually
A life without books, like no sunlight; Wisdom without books, like the bird have no wings - Shakespeare
Life in this world, not reading is impossible to understand people - gorky
The more you read and without thinking, you will feel that you know a lot; But when you are reading and thinking more, you will clearly see that you know very little - voltaire
Reading is my only entertainment. I don't waste your time in hotels, gambling or any kind of bad games; And I for the hard-working career, is still necessary, and indefatigable in accordance with incomparable - franklin
Book - man has the most beautiful sound. - levin
Books are a great genius leaves to mankind's heritage. - Addison
The essence of the whole past time everything in the book. - Carlyle
Book, is a common human spirit wealth, is the ladder of the progress of mankind.
Books, to the breast milk, feeding heart is the key to wisdom enlightenment.
The reading of all good books is like the finest men of past talk. - Descartes
Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. - bacon
Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. - Addison
The book is a good partner. It wisdom in the mind, but not talkative.
In your desire, it came to give a detailed instruction,
But never nagging. - than cut
Reading a good book, like made a specialty. - zang gram house
Good books on juvenile growth and even their lives,
Will have far-reaching effects.
Reading is to mind the materials provide knew;
Thinking just make us reading things become our own. - Locke
Experienced people read with two eyes: one looks at the words, another eye to see the back of the paper.
- Goethe
Each knowledgeable people, should be in their lifetime, a good read up on 8-10 books. What exactly should read books? To understand this, that, at least, have to read it. On the 15,000
- bobby reach
Only in the letters, text and pages in browsing a - this isn't reading. Reading and -- not reading the pronunciations. Reading to have feelings, want to have aesthetic feeling, the good advice to others, to mastery, and put into practice.
- ba jin
I think, when books give I talked unheard, seen characters, feelings, thoughts and attitudes, seems to be every book before me opens a window, let me see an incredible new world.
- gorky
Books makes men thought bold and unrestrained.
- leather, Cardiff ke.your pull
Books make people become masters of the universe.
-- and just even ko
My body all excellent quality are to go into books.
--, golgi
A life without books, like no sunshine, wisdom without books, like the bird without wings.
--, Shakespeare
Read more books and reading good books, then write own feeling, this is the beginning of writing.
--, bing xin
Book, can keep our childlike innocence; Books can keep our youth.
-- YanWenJing
Good books is the most precious jewel - BieLinSiJi
Books are the only what's -- the undead
Books make people become masters of the universe - and just even ko
In the book the soul of the whole past across - Carlyle
The effects of short and faint, book is extensive and far-reaching influence - pushkin
People who have left the book, like the same can't live without air. LiaoFu - coronado
The book is not only lives, and now, the past and the future of cultural life source - library abdoulaye husband
Books introduce us into the best society, that we may know each of the greatest wise men's -- history, beauty
Books is the transformation of soul tools. Human need of, is enlightening grasses. While reading, then it is this raise
Material. - Hugo
In the book the soul of the whole past across. --, Carlyle
Good book is great heart and blood. -- Milton
Reading a good book, and it is as many noble man talk. --, Goethe
Not to read is no real education, also can't have much discrimination. -- HeErCen
While reading, I wish every good ideas in front, just like in every stop before. Stay as a truth -- Emerson
Books are the waves in the era of catic done ship, it thought carefully put precious goods shipped to generation after generation. --
-- bacon