56天 只能在看臺上為自己的祖國祈禱
56天 只能眼看著帕托在伯納烏撒野
56天 丙級球隊也從自己的身上跨過
56天 終於要到盡頭了
球場上妳雖然略顯疲憊 但球迷們有著期待 期待著妳帶領著球隊在周末擊敗對手
有人說妳是在溺愛中長大的孩子 但是對於妳 球迷們心甘情願把妳寵壞
人們說妳是個天使 陽光下妳的笑容如此燦爛 球場上妳的身影又那麽夢幻
也有人說妳是個魔鬼 妳固執 任性 不通情理
也許妳是撒旦的孩子 不知道撒旦在妳降生的時候 施了什麽魔法
亦紅亦白 亦正亦邪 亦善亦惡 當然 還有我們對妳的亦愛亦恨
從2003年8月8日到2009年6月27日 從裏斯本青澀的少年到老特拉福德的王子 而如今妳又成
妳壹如既往華麗的過人 而且學會了永不服輸 球場上的後衛們對妳越來越兇狠 妳只能晃過
他們才能繼續前進 當然他們經常把妳推倒或是把妳鏟翻 這是壹種精神上的挑釁 妳不能服
軟 必須站起來 然後用足球擊敗他們 十多年間在每壹塊自己踏上過的球場 C羅都做著同樣
的事情 壹次次被對手鏟倒 壹次次爬起來繼續突破
在馬賽對手再次用鞋釘把妳放到 妳回敬他們的 是進球 是勝利
在國家隊 妳忍著傷痛上場 誰都看的出來 妳的進攻突破不再犀利 速度也慢了下來
球迷的註意力和心思全都聚焦在了妳受傷的腿上 看著妳面露痛苦的表情 甚至在球隊攻入
壹球時 都難掩身體不適的感覺 這些都是為了什麽 是世界杯夢想的召喚 還是葡萄牙國家
這場 真的 球迷們再次被妳折服 妳愈加的成熟 堅強 懂得責任和付出 越來越值得大家的
這壹刻 無論是曼聯球迷 皇馬球迷 心裏對妳只有愛 沒有恨 因為恨不起來 “恨”這個字
對於壹個在場上拼了命努力的C羅 誰都說不出口
哪怕妳離開了曾經最愛的球隊 哪怕曾因為妳才真正的融入了紅色的血液 那怕曾把妳的7號
當做我人生的信仰 哪怕妳不在是那個紅衣少年 哪怕妳現在只剩下白衣飄飄
今年夏天那場轟轟烈烈的轉會已經過去5個月 事事起伏不定 時間總是可以改變很多事情
視線裏 腦海中 紅色的球衣 白色的球衣 紫紅色的球衣都變得模糊在壹起
白色沒有紅色耀眼 但是在我眼中 紅色就是白色 白色也變成了紅色
我們永遠記得妳曾經說的“我從小的夢想 是有壹天站在伯納烏的球場”
對於相愛的人 真的愛她 就該無理由的站在她身邊
對於支持C羅的球迷 請銘記曼徹斯特的輝煌年代 讓我壹起看著那個曾經裏斯本帶球奔跑的
孩子 在老特拉福德成長 在伯納烏作為國王登基
壹邊是六年的守候 壹邊是兒時的夢想
壹半是紅色的血液 壹半是白色的靈魂
向左還是向右 妳做出了自己的選擇
下壹個六年 妳還是那個白衣飄飄的王子嗎
下壹個六年 而立之年 妳還會記得18歲初登夢劇場的稚氣嗎
下壹個六年 妳還會不會記得 登陸伯納烏的宣言
下壹個六年 如果我還是妳的球迷 我已經認識妳12年
那麽 我真的可以和妳的足球壹直到老
壹個新的伯納烏國王 萬眾期待
56 days looking forward to the feeling of running on the pitch
56 days only stands to pray for their country
56 days can only let Pato wildly at the Bernabeu
56-day Class C team from their own body across the
56 days finally coming to an end
Bernabeu audience's Carnival warm-up just because you're on the sidelines
Although you did on the pitch but the fans have a bit tired and looking forward to you and your team is looking forward to the weekend win over rivals
Some people say you are spoiling a child growing up, but for your fans are willing to put your spoiled
People say you are an angel smiles under the sun so bright you have your shadow on the pitch for so Dream
Some people say you are a devil you are stubborn willfulness unreasoning
Perhaps you are a child of Satan, Satan, you do not know when Shi was born, what magic
Let people on your feelings so extreme
Yi-hong also white is a paradox of course is also good is evil, we will hate you also love
From August 8, 2003 to June 27, 2009 from Lisbon to Old Trafford Sentimental boy prince and now you are again a
The Bernabeu all hope
You are gorgeous, as always, extraordinary, and learned to never admit defeat on the pitch for you more and more fierce defender who you can only go past
They can continue to move forward, of course they often tear down your shovel, or put your turn this is a mental challenge that you can not serve
Soft must stand up and then use football to beat them 10 years or so in each one its own foot on the course are doing the same C Luo
Things time and again by opponents uprooting again and again to climb up and continue to break
In Marseille, once again, spikes put your opponent into them is the goal you have answered with a victory
Everyone in the team you are playing Renzheshangtong see break out of your attack speed is no longer a sharp slow down
The attention of fans and thoughts are all focused on the injured leg, your looking at your cheeky expression of pain even in the team scored
A ball when they can hardly cover up the feeling of physical discomfort which are a dream for what is the call of the World Cup or the Portuguese National
Captain's responsibility to do
This really impressed the fans again you know your strong and increasingly mature responsibility and pay for more and more worthy of everyone's
Manchester United fans at this moment whether it is Real Madrid fans do not mind you only love hate because Henbu up "hate" word