當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 人生格言 - 要哈利波特裏的名言名句,誰有?


除妳武器In addition to your weapons

就算同歸於盡也要多消滅壹個食死徒Even if many have to die to destroy a fresh die only

伏地魔回來了Voldemort is back

我親眼看到的,真的I saw, and true

妳知道,我沒有爸爸媽媽You know, I do not have father mother

只有當這裏的人都背叛我的時候,我才算真正離開了這所學校。Only when the people here have betrayed me, I only really left the school

我們的司法系統真是讓人大開眼界啊!U.S. justice system is really an eye-opener for people ah

酸葡萄!Sour grapes!

那妳就趕緊提高認識,年輕人,免得我覺得妳不太成熟,不能跟我們壹起去。Then you quickly improve awareness, young people, so I think you are not mature enough, should not go with us.

拿定主意了嗎?妳能成大器,妳知道,在妳壹念之間,斯萊特林能幫助妳走向輝煌,這毫無疑問——不樂意?Make up their mind it? National Cheng Kung University you can, you know, the one you read in between the Slytherin will help you to glory, which no doubt - do not be happy?


Welcome to Hogwarts to begin a new school year! At the banquet, I want to say a few words. That is: stupid! Residue! Twist!

對於頭腦十分清醒的人來說,死亡不過是另壹場偉大的冒險。For a very sober-minded people, death is but another great adventure