future
is
purchased
by
the
present.
未來是用現在購買的。
Get
busy
living
or
get
busy
dying.
要麽忙著生要麽忙著死(肖申克的救贖哦)
The
shortest
answer
is
doing.
最簡單的答復就是行動。
think
it
is
hard
winning
a
war
with
words.
我認為紙上談兵沒有什麽用(飄)
Life
isn't
about
how
to
live
through
the
storm
but
how
to
dance
in
the
rain.
生活不是怎樣熬過暴風雨而是怎樣在雨中舞蹈。
If
you
focus
on
what
you've
left
behind,you'll
never
be
able
to
see
what
lies
ahead.
如果妳留戀身後的路,就會錯失眼前的風景。(料理鼠王)
Life
is
to
be
lived.No
excuses.No
reservations.No
holding
back.
生活就是活著。沒有借口。沒有保留。不能退縮。
這都是我平時自己抄下來的
剛剛打上去的
希望對妳有幫助~