例25 For some people hope dies slowly.
譯文 對有些人來說,希望不會輕易破滅。
例26 In planning my drive to the airport, I will factor in a cushion: to allow for the unexpected, such as heavy traffic or a flat tire.
譯文 我在安排開車前往機場時,總會考慮留壹點時間,以防路上遇到交通堵塞或者輪胎漏氣等意外情況。
例27 The blue in his fine eyes seemed to preclude his being a Syrian, but there was an encouraging curve in his nostrils.
譯文 看他那雙藍眼睛,他似乎不可能是敘利亞人,但看他鼻子的曲線,卻又使人覺得他很有可能是的。
例28 The pace was comfortable, so I decided to stay where I was.
譯文 我覺得這種步速跑起來輕松,所以我就決定保持這種速度。
例29 He always lives ahead of his salary.
譯文 他總是不到發薪水的日子就把錢花完了。或:他的薪水總是不夠花。
美國語言教學家Wilga M. Rivers 說過理解中要掌握三個層次的意義,即詞語意義、語法或結構意義以及社會和文化意義(the three levels of meaning: lexical meaning, structural or grammatical meaning, and social-cultural meaning)。
例30 So that's how I became just another kid in school.
譯文 就這樣,我成了學校裏壹名和其他孩子壹樣的普通孩子。
例31 At first, they were being nice.
譯文 起初人們只是出於壹時的好心。
例32 John Major faces severe social and economic problems as well as tough debate over European integration, but his top priority will be to maintain the Tories' long lease on 10 Downing Street.
譯文 梅傑面臨嚴重的社會和經濟問題以及關於歐洲統壹的艱苦辯論,但是他的當務之急將是維系保守黨的長期執政。
德國譯學教授Wolfram Wilss說:
Translating requires the syntactic, semantic, stylistic and text-pragmatic comprehen?sion by the translator of the original texts.(翻譯過程要求譯者在句法、語義、文體和語篇語用各方面對原文的進行理解。)
例33 Go to hell! You report what I have done to the authorities.
譯文 去妳的吧!妳去向領導匯報我的所作所為好啦!
例34 He ate his savoury, and hurried the maid as she swept the crumbs.
譯文 他吃完最後的壹道消食小吃,在女傭人打掃碎屑時,催她快壹點。
例35 Derek fancies himself as a ladies' man, but he spends too much time admiring himself in the mirror for my liking.
譯文 德裏克自以為是個討女人喜歡的人,可是我不喜歡他花那麽多的時間在鏡子面前自我欣賞。
1.My delegation is not satisfied that the case has yet been made for convening such a broad conference.
我方代表團認為,還沒有人提出充分理由說明應召開如此廣泛的會議。(satisfy 說服,使確信)
2.The nationalized industries have been spoon-fed for so long that they don't care whether they give value for money, or make a profit or loss.
×國有工業長期受到優厚待遇, 他們不在乎錢, 也不在乎盈利或虧損。
3.I was not quite sure whether they had locked the door; and when I dared move, I got up and went to see. Alas! no jail was ever more secure.
4.Very hesitatingly I selected a tube of blue paint, and with infinite precaution made a mark about as big as a bean on the snow-white field.
5.I agree with you that many laws are unjust, but if you make every law a matter of conscience you will end up in jail.
6.Ring farewell to the century of physics, the one to which we split the atom and turned silicon into computing power,
7.The sun sets regularly on the Union Jack these days, but never on the English language.
×現在太陽從英國國旗上有規則地落下,但是英語卻不是這種情況。/ 現在英國國旗上照到的陽光日益減少,但英語卻不是這種情況。
現在,英國已不再是個“日不落”的國家了,但是英語卻還是在廣泛地流行使用。(Union Jack英國國旗)
8.I hear the Hindoo teaching his favorite pupil the loves, wars, adages, transmitted safely to this day from poets who wrote three thousand years ago.
First impressions are often lasting ones. Indeed, if you play your cards right, you can enjoy the benefits of what sociologists call the "halo effect." This means that if you're viewed positively within the critical first few minutes, the person you've met will likely assume everything you do is positive.
How you move and gesture will greatly influence an interviewer's first impression of you. In a landmark study of communications, psychologists discovered that seven percent of any message about our feelings and attitudes comes from the words we use, 38 percent from our voice, and a startling 55 percent from our facial expressions. In fact, when our facial expression or tone of voice conflicts with our words, the listener will typically put more weight on the nonverbal message.
To make your first encounter a positive one, start with a firm handshake. If the interviewer doesn't initiate the gesture, offer your hand first. Whenever you have a choice of seats, select a chair beside his or her desk, as opposed to one across from it. That way there are no barriers between the two of you and the effect is somewhat less confrontational. If you must sit facing the desk, shift your chair slightly as you sit down, or angle your body in the chair so you're not directly in front of your interviewer.
Monitor your body language to make sure you don't seem too desperate for the job, or too eager to please. Keep a Poker face in business situations. Inappropriate smiling is the most common example of a nonverbal behavior that undercuts verbal messages -- making you appear weak and unassertive.
Good eye contact is also important. One study found that job applicants who make more eye contact are perceived as more alert, dependable, confident and responsible.(298 words)