雖然我很平凡,但我不甘平庸。我誠實穩重,樂觀大方,積極向上且愛好廣泛。大學三年,我不僅學好了財務專業全部課程,而且對財務軟件有壹定了解,自修了用友財務軟件運用。能熟練操作各類辦公軟件。短短的三年裏,我始終以“天道酬勤”自勵,積極進取,立足紮實的基礎,對專業求廣度求深度。在學好每門功課的同時,更註重專業理論與實踐相結合,以優異成績完成了學業。同時,除了認真學習課堂知識,今年考取了會計從業資格證和會計中級電算化證在校期間積極參與文體活動與社會實踐。通過不斷的學習,我已變得成熟,穩重,具備了良好的分析處理問題的能力, 也鑄就了我堅毅的性格和強烈責任心,我堅信,也堅定的認為:"天生我材必有用"。
Beloved leadership:
First heartfelt thanks to you, you read my Self material!
My name is good, yes private Hualian College Financial Management Specialist 2006 session graduates.
Although I am very ordinariness, but I unwilling to mediocrity. I honestly prudent and optimistic generous, and vigorous and broad-loving. 2003 University, I not only learn all the financial professional courses, but also to a certain understanding of financial software, the UF study using financial software. Can Proficiency various office software. In a short span of three years, I always "descend" self-stimulation, proactive, based on a solid foundation for the professional breadth for depth. Learn homework every door in the meantime, focus more professional in combining theory and practice, with outstanding results completed their studies. At the same time, in addition to classroom learning seriously knowledge of this year to obtain a professional qualification certificates and accounting Intermediate Accounting Computerization card during active participation in school sports activities and social practice. Through continuous learning, I have become mature and stable, with a good deal with the issue of ability, but also forged my strong character and strong sense of responsibility, I believe, firmly believe that: "I build there must be born with."
A dripping sweat in the face of yesterday's wonderful smile, but also to the future of good confidence. At the dawn of the century, facing new challenges and choices, I can not retreat nor silent, I use my good at observing her badly calm eyes, sincere and loving happened, the cause of the heart with her badly good operation and powerful hand her badly vowed to overcome bumpy right foot, as always carry forward the work for pragmatic to forge ahead, the pioneering and innovative work style, and the cause of the persistent pursuit of the spirit, and steeled itself forward. For you, for me, for our common cause to create new glories.
Yes, my lack of experience is inadequate, but I have great enthusiasm and "doing his love his" professionalism. In this increasingly competitive era, talents, I may not necessarily be the best. But I still confident. "Celestial voices, gentleman renewing strengths" has been a motto of my life!
The distinguished leadership, I believe in you Bole wonders, I believe that the strength, I sincerely hope that you will cast all's, the cause of the road hand, all-work together to build a better future.
"I am an arena, to send you a fine show" This is my commitment and my determination.
Biographical notes and related materials be accompanied by, if we can give me an interview opportunity, I would be honored. My telephone is: xxxxxx Thank you read this letter and consider my request candidates!
Yours sincerely