當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 人生格言 - 海納百川,有容乃大,是什麽意思?



海納百川有容乃大 就是說要豁達大度、胸懷寬闊,這也是壹個人有修養的表現。人們都把那些具有像大海壹樣廣泛胸懷的人看做是可敬的人。海納百川還有包羅萬象的意思,常常用來形容事物壯闊雄奇,難以形容,於是用“海納百川”來形容。




Big open arms, all rivers and streams meet the distant guests; high flags, dragon and ten thousand miles dance long wind. Horizontal batch: open and inclusive.


All rivers run into rivers. A little more tolerance! Tolerance in life will become better and the world will become more exciting.


Father's love is like a mountain.?Motherly love is like the sea; the mountains support the heaven and the earth, and the sea flows all rivers.


Mother is the sea, Hainabaichuan. There are considerate, tolerant, deep. Selfless dedication, dedication. Mother not only achieved themselves, but also achieved us. Let us understand the different realms of small love, big love, fraternal love.


Supporting parents, respecting teachers and benevolent people are filial and affectionate; keeping good faith, observing good manners and etiquette, saying nine words to the United States of China; preserving honesty, upholding integrity, harmonious China in glory; thinking of Confucius and Mencius, self-cultivation, and embracing all the heavens and earth.