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Sphinx said only once. Sphinx said: "a grain of sand is a desert, a desert is a grain of sand; Let us now go on your silence壹粒珍珠是痛苦圍繞著壹粒沙子所建造起來的廟宇。

Pearl is a pain around a grain of sand to build up the temple.

壹個人的實質,不在於他向妳顯露的那壹面,而在於他所不能向妳顯露的那壹面。A person's essence, is not revealed to you his side, but he can not reveal to your side.如果冬天說,“春天在我的心裏”,誰會相信冬天呢If the winter that "spring in my heart," Who would believe that this winter讓我們玩捉迷藏吧。妳如果藏在我的心裏,就不難把妳找到。但是如果妳藏到妳的殼裏去,那麽任何人也找妳不到的。

Let us play hide and seek it. If you hiding in my heart, it is not hard to find you. Tibetan But if you go to your shell, then no-one can not find you.



I have a poet said: "see you after death we will not know your evaluation."

He replied: "Yes, death is never exposed persons. If you really want to know my opinion, that is, I was more than the, I desire more than the hands of the existing和善的狼對天真的羊說:“妳不光臨寒舍嗎?”



慷慨不是妳把我比妳更需要的東西給我,而是妳把妳比我更需要的東西,也給了我And good for the wolf in sheep naive said: "you do not you visit my house?"

Yang replied: "We will be proud of your government, your government if you are not in your stomach, then."

I stopped at the door to the guests, said: "There is no need, and in time to go out and then rub your feet, when the door is no need to rub the."

Not your generous than I need you to me, but you put you more than I need, but also gave me 很久以前壹個“人”因為過於愛別人,也太可愛了,因而被釘在十字架上A long time ago a "person" because of too much love, too lovely, and they have been crucified昨天我看見哲學家們把他們的頭顱裝在籃子裏,在市場上高聲叫賣:“智慧,賣智慧咯!”







Yesterday I saw the philosophers to their heads mounted on a basket, shouting their wares in the market: "wisdom, the wisdom of selling pyronaridine!"

Poor philosophers! They must sell out of their head to feed their hearts.

A scavenger of a philosopher, said: 'I pity you, your bitter dirty work. "

Scavenger said: "Thank you, sir. Please tell me, what do you do?"

The philosopher replied: "I have studied people's thoughts, behavior and aspirations."

Side of a street sweeping scavenger smile said: "I pity you."

People do not listen to the truth than those who speak the truth.