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If Stan could pass a betting shop the way he can pass a ball, he’d have no worries.”

● “如果斯坦經過賭場的時候,能夠像他傳球時那樣快,他就不會有煩惱了。”

——克魯主帥Ernie Tagg評價70年代英格蘭明星Stan Bowles的職業生涯受到賭博影響時說。

● “For my next film role, I would love to play a psychopath or an unpleasant person.”

● “我下壹個電影角色,我希望能夠扮演壹個精神病人或者壹個不高興的人。”


● “I’m very pleased for Paul, but it’s like watching your mother-in-law drive off a cliff in your new car.”

● “我為保羅感到高興,但這就像妳看著妳的嶽母開著妳的車沖上懸崖。”


● “I’m no hero. Doctors and nurses are heroes. Surgeons, people like that. We had a real hero born right here in Stoke-on-Trent: Reginald Mitchell, who designed the Spitfire. He saved Britain. Now that’s what I call a hero.”

● “我不是英雄,醫生和護士才是。就像外科醫生之類的人。我們斯托克有壹個真正的英雄,Reginald Mitchell,他設計了噴火式戰鬥機。他拯救了英國,現在,那才是我稱為英雄的人。”


● “Eyal is a professional and clearly wants to earn as much money as possible. But he is Jewish and I am Scottish so it will be difficult for us to reach a financial agreement.”

● “貝爾科維奇是個職業球員,他明顯希望盡可能多賺錢。但他是個猶太,我是個蘇格蘭人,因此我們之間是很難在財政上達成協議的。”


● “He was a magician on the park. He could have put a size-five football in an egg cup.”

● “他是個球場裏的魔術師,他能夠把壹個5號足球放進壹個蛋杯裏。”

——2006年,弗格森評價蘇格蘭天才球星吉姆-巴克斯特(Jim Baxter)時說。

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