head face nose mouth eye ear arm leg foot body hand finger
red yellow green blue purple white black orange pink brown
cat dogduck pig panda rabbit panda bear elephant mouse squirrel bird
cake bread hot dog hamburger chicken French fries
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
boy girl teacher student friend
Coke juice milk water tea coffee
doll ball kite balloon car plane boat
good morning good afternoon goodbye
too nice meet my this school
Nice to meet you!
How are you?
Nice to meet you, too!
I am fine, thanks.
What is your\his\her name?
My\his\her name is Jenny.
What colour is it?
What is your favourite colour?
It is red.
My favourite colour is blue
Where is my book?
There it is!
How many pens do you have?
How do you feel?
I am happy!
What is this?
It is a book.
What is the matter?
What are they doing?
I cut my knee.
They are playing.
How old are you?
I am ten years old.
May I have two books, please?
Sure! 行不行啊
34| 評論(2) 向TA求助 回答者: 得瑟120 | 二級采納率:80%
擅長領域: 花鳥魚蟲 穿越火線
參加的活動: 暫時沒有參加的活動
2011-8-2 人教版英語四年級上、下冊的四會單詞和句子有哪些?
2011-5-4 麻煩有能提供煙臺雙語試驗小學四年級下冊的四會英語單詞及句子嗎?... 6
2011-7-3 人教版小學英語三年級、四年級、五年級、六年級上下冊有哪些四會單... 79
2012-2-20 急需新標準版英語七年級下冊的重點短語、單詞和句子 1
2011-3-28 方直金太陽小學五年級下冊英語重點單詞,詞組,句子和語法 40
更多關於四年級下冊英語視頻 優酷網的問題>>
其他回答 ***2條
2011-4-23 20:37 我是土豆妞妞 | 壹級
buying fruit / buy fruit (請 分 清)
they’re = they are
these those ( 近 遠 )
I’d like I like ( 請 分 清 )
klios klio ( 請 分 清 )
too ( 也 還 )
many much money ( 請 分 清 ) buy(買),some(壹些),
watermelon(西瓜),or(或者),yuan(元) 贊同
0| 評論
2012-4-25 21:22 茉雪鴛 | 二級
dafsdfwdff 贊同
0| 評論