the Olympic Games are held every four years in a different city in the world.Athletes from different countries compete in a veriety of sports which are divided into winter and summer games.奧運會每隔四年在世界上壹個不同的城市舉辦壹次。來自不同國家的運動員在各類運動項目中角逐。這些運動項目又分為冬季項目和夏季項目。
奧運會會旗 Olympic flag
the flag has a white backgruond,with no ite centre is located the Olympic symbol in its five colors.the five rings represent the five major regions of the world:Africa,the americans,asia,europe,and oceania.,,,奧運會會旗白底,無邊。正中印有五色奧林匹克五環標誌。五環代表世界上的五大地區:非洲、美洲、亞洲、歐洲和大洋洲....
奧運聖火 Olympic flame
The Olympic flame is a tradition maintained from the ancient Olympic Games.the flame first appeared in the modern olympics at the 1928 olympic games in amsterdam奧運聖火是從古代奧林匹克運動會流傳下來的壹個傳統。聖火最早出現在1928年阿姆斯特丹運動會上。
奧運口號 Olympic motto:"swifter,higher,stronger"
女運動員 women were first allowed to participate in 1900 at the second modern olypic games in france.女運動員1900年首次被允許參加在法國舉辦的第二屆現代奧運會上。
開幕式 the first opening ceremony was held during the 1908olympic games in london第壹個開幕式實在1908年倫敦奧運會上舉行的。
被取消的奧運會 Cancelled Games
because of world war 1 and world war 2,there were no olympic games in 1916,1940 or1944。由於第壹次世界大戰與第二次世界大戰的爆發,1916年、1940年與1944年沒有舉行奧運會。