1。Life is made up of little things。 [諺]人生是由瑣碎的事物形成的。 2。Saying you are sorry won't make up the damage of breaking the vase。 光說對不起補償不了妳突破花瓶的喪失。 3。Trees surround the pond。 樹木盤繞著池塘。 4。Sulfur can be used to make gunpowder。 硫磺可以用來制造火藥。 5。She is used to doing hard work。 她習氣於艱辛任務 6。However,we will not take possession of him by ourselves,we will share our beloved stuff with everybody。 可我們不單獨具有他,我們把親愛的東西拿進去和自己壹同分享 7。Who is in possession of this? 誰具有這個? 8。The family has settled in Canada。 這家人已定居加拿大。 The question has been settled。 這個效果曾經處置了。2011-10-24 4:55:58