In this article: oxford university has attracted students and scholars from all over the world who have gone on to achievethe highest positions in their own countries in politics, administration, science and the arts.
With the success that you've had, have you peaked or are you still potentially getting better or are you still learning or doyou think you've peaked as a driver?
You like to be complacent, bragged that one day you will peak, you like posturing, to show you learned to show off yourwealth of experience, but day by day time goes by, what do you think of new ideas yet.
These pieces of the oracle-bones told people that the chinese nation is not only an early country that has advancedscience and technology, but also has a well-developed iatrology and has created countless artistic treasures at thehighese aesthetic level.
Mottoes are words sensed only by those who have rich experiences of life, exactly like the art which can't reach thepeak of perfection without skill.