2008夏季奧運會2008 summer Olympics
國際奧委會the International Olympic Committee (IOC)
申辦城市the bidding cities
候選城市 the candidate cities
申辦2008年奧運會bid for 2008 Olympics
北京奧申委Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Bidding Committee (BOBICO)
主辦2008年奧運會host the 2008 Olympic Games
奧林匹克精神the Olympic ideals; the Olympic spirit
世界奧林匹克日the International Olympic Day
環境保護 protect the environment
北京四環路the fourth ring road in Beijing
城市基礎設施建設the city's infrastructure construction
最後的投票make the final vote
綠色奧運the Green Olympics
科技奧運the Scientific Games
節水龍頭water-saving taps
再生紙recycled writing paper
廢電池used batteries
無氟冰箱Freon-free refrigerators
閉路電視close-circuit television
友好大使the Goodwill Ambassador
長跑a long-distance running
世界大學生運動會the Universiade
1. Shanghai is situated at the mouth of the Yangtzi River.
2. Shanghai has a residential population of over 16 million.
3. Shanghai has a total area of about 6340 square kilometres.
4. Shanghai is striving to become one of the economic,financial,trade and shipping centers of the world.
5. Shanghai is divided into 18 districts and 1 county.
6. The emblem of shanghai shows a while magnolia flower(白玉蘭)(the official city flower),a large junk(沙船) and a propeller(螺旋槳) all symbolizing the pioneering and enterprising spirit (開拓進取精神)of the city.
7. Shanghai developed from a small fishing village.
8. Pudong New District began its development on April 18, 1990.
9. Shanghai has established friendly relationships with 52 cities in 44 countries.
10. At present,there are 45 universities and colleges in Shanghai,with a total number of 280,000 students.
11. Welcome to World Expo 2010 Shanghai!
12. Better city, Better life.(城市,讓我們生活更美好)
13. Gather in Shanghai to Discover the world.(匯聚上海,博覽世界)
14. Approach Oriental Civilization,Demonstrate the Future of the World.(走近東方文明,展現世界未來)
15. Grant Us an Hour and China will Reward the World with More Splendor.(中國如有壹份幸運,世界將增添壹片異彩).
上海世博會 Shanghai World Expo
世博會 World Expo
2010上海世博會 World Expo 2010 Shanghai
世博會徽標 Expo Logo
世博會吉祥物 Expo Mascot
世博會紀念品 Expo Souvenir
世博園 Expo Park
國際館 International Pavilion
主題館 Theme PavIlion
企業館 Enterprise Pavilion
中國館 China Pavilion
專題討論會 symposium
世博村 Expo Village
世博餐飲中心 Expo Dining Center
專線車 shuttle bus
世博急救中心 Expo First-aid Center
誌願者 volunteers
上海景點: Shanghai Tourist Attractions
商廈 Commercial Building
國際會議中心 International Convention Center
金茂大廈 Jinmao Tower
世紀大道 Century Boulevard
金融貿易區 Finance and Trade Zone
保稅區 free Trade Zone
故居 Former Residence of
影城 Film Art Center
停車場 Parking lot