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Disappointment is cumulative. It's a long decision to leave, but the one that shuts the door the least.

2. 我明知道答案是什麽,可就是放不下,直到撞得頭破血流,要了半條命,可還是放不下。

I know what the answer is, but is not put, until hit head broken blood, to half life, but still can not put.

3. 相比虛情假意,我情願獨自壹人。

I'd rather be alone than fake.

4. 眼眶超載的眼淚,乘客是絕望和心碎。

Eyes overloaded with tears, passengers are desperate and


5. 像失望和委屈這種東西藏在心裏就好,懂妳的不必解釋,不懂的何必解釋。

Like disappointment and grievance such things hidden in the heart, understand you do not have to explain, do not understand why to explain.

6. 壹句對不起,涼了多少人的心,壹句我愛妳,傷了多少人的情。

A sorry, cool many people's heart, a I love you, hurt many people's feelings.

7. 世事壹場大夢,人生幾度心涼。

World affairs a big dream,a few degrees of life cool heart.


I just want to be your exception and preference, but the outcome is often unsatisfactory。

9. 別讓愛自己的人壹直等,再長情的花也會有雕零的時候。

Don't let the person who loves you wait, and then long love flowers will wither.