Equity acts in personam (衡平法可對人為壹定行為)
Equity looks to the intention rather than the form (衡平法更註重意圖而非形式)
Equity will not suffer a wrong to be without a remedy (衡平法不允許有違法行為而無救濟法方)
Equity does nothing in vain (衡平法不做徒勞無益的事)
pacta sunt servanda (約定必須遵守)
pacta tertiis nec nocent nec prosunt (約定對第三人既無損也無益)
par in parent non habet imperium (平等者之間無管轄權)
sie utere tuo alienum non laedas (使用自己的財產時不應損害他人的財產)
nulla poena sine lege (法無明文不為罪)
Remedies precede rights (程序先於權利)
Where there is no writ there is no right (無令狀即無獲救濟權利)