If gives me went abroad,I want to go to the Seneca college.I think it is a best choice.Seneca college built in 1967,have had the 8 blcoks,the blocks have had the big city's advantage,the seneca college is the earlist got the Chinese's education's said ok's school,was the best top in Canada.聖力嘉應用藝術與技術學院(聖力嘉學院)成立於1967年, 擁有8個校區, 擁有小校區的和諧和雄踞大城市的優勢,聖力嘉學院是最早壹批獲得中國教育部認可的加拿大學校之壹,是公認的加拿大最大的公立高等教育學院。the school have had 14,4000 persons(includes the a half work a half learn somethings students),the whole college staffs almost about 15000 persons,the schools students almost person was local person,still have had from the different of world's students.學校擁有學生十萬零四千人(包括半工半讀的學員),全院教職員工近壹萬五千多人,該校的生源以本土為主,還有來自世界各地多個國家和地區的留學生。The seneca college have already made Canada's the best top and modernazition and train students college.聖力嘉學院已經成為當今加拿大最大的、最有實力、最現代化和培養學生具有實用技能的理想的高等學府。The seneca's college have had the important mission,the Canada's government will put into the edcuation a large of money every year,be sure of it gave us a large of great person in the world and the local education,let their students will have had independent of the work and theory,the famous Chinese original female Wanting Qu just graduated from the college.