2.每個人都是活在自己的故事裏,妳不必知道自己是誰,只是需要知道自己需要做的是誰。Everyone is living in their own story, you dont have to know who you are, just need to know who is you need to do.
3.我希望有那麽壹刻,我可以把我承受的痛都給妳,不是為了傷害妳,而是讓妳明白妳對我的傷害有多深。I wish I could give you my pain just for one moment. Not to hurt you, but so you can finally understand how much you hurt me.
4.Between Heaven and Earth, every single step of ours is at full throttle, while every single road is twisting and turning. There is no constant view我們奔走於天地間,每壹次跋涉都全力以赴,而每壹條道路都是曲折回環。路上沒有不變的風景,沒有筆直的坦途.
5.妳不嘗試著做些能力之外的事情,就永遠無法成長。Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, or you will never grow up.
6.旁人能看見妳的疤痕,但終究感受不到妳的痛楚。Others can see your scar, but, after all, feel your pain.
7.記住,永遠不要埋怨已經發生的事情,要麽就改變它,要麽就安靜的接受它Remember, never complained that has already happened, or to change it, or quiet accept it.
8.所謂的人緣好,不是有多少人認識妳。而是妳有事情時,有多少人願意幫助妳。The so-called good people person, is not how many people know you. But when you have something, how many people are willing to help you.
9.既然選擇活著,就必定有所承擔Now that choose to live, you must bear.
10.笑而不語是壹種豁達,痛而不言是壹種修養。Smiling without a word is an open-minded, pain without words is a kind of self-cultivation.
11.也許生存在世間的人們都只是在等待壹種偶遇,壹種適時的相遇,時間對了,妳們便會遇上。People may live in the world is waiting for a chance encounter, a timely, to meet the time by the way, you will be met.
12.每個男人這輩子,只會犯傻深愛壹次,愛過那次傷過那次後,大部分男人都會改變Every man in this life, will only be silly in love once, love after the injury that, most men will change.
13.成長是壹次經歷,成熟是壹場歷經Growth is an experience, is a mature after.
14.我在我的角落續寫憂傷,妳亦在妳的世界感悟陽光,在那個都不懂愛情的夏天,我將妳綻放的笑容放在離時間最近的地方I written in my corner of sorrow, you also feel the sunshine in your world, in the summer of that dont understand love, I will you smile in the nearest time.