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相思不是病,卻能要人命。 Acacia is not a disease, but can kill people.搜集了壹些建英語 心情說說 短語送給大家,希望大家能喜歡。

1、我在過馬路,妳人在哪裏。I'm crossing the road. Where are you.

2、很多時候妳只是某個人的練愛對象,而非戀愛對象。Most of the time, you are just someone's practice love object, not love object.

3、第壹眼就喜歡的人,真的會喜歡很久很久。People who like it at first sight will really like it for a long time.

4、請妳壹定要去愛壹個非常非常重視妳的人。Please be sure to love someone who attaches great importance to you.

5、妳,有沒有壹刻心疼過我的執著。You, have a moment of heartache my persistence.

6、輕摸眼眶,仍有余涼。If you touch your eyes, you will still feel cool.

7、有時候覺得自己像個神經病。既糾結了自己,又打擾了別人。Sometimes I feel like a psychopath. Not only entangled themselves, but also disturbed others.

8、人海十萬裏,沒有人善待妳。No one treats you kindly.

9、過客已經夠多了,下壹個,可不可以就是壹輩子。There are enough passers-by. The next one is a lifetime.

10、要進妳空間多少次,才能換來最近訪客裏妳的頭像。How many times do you have to go into your space to get your avatar from a recent visitor.

11、其實,我也曾在乎過。Actually, I used to care.

12、我沒有任何天分、我只有夢的天真。I do not have any talent, I only dream of innocence.

13、時間被輕輕踏碎,再也無法拼接完全。Time is gently broken, and can no longer be spliced completely.

14、風決定了蒲公英的方向,妳決定了我的悲傷。The wind decides the direction of dandelion, you decide my sadness.

15、妳的幸福路人皆知,我的狼狽無處遁形。Your happy is well-established, my distressed is no place to hide.

16、人們走向我,然後路過我。People come up to me and pass me by.

17、妳說妳壹直在,為何等我相信了,然後妳走了。You said you've been there, why wait until I believe it, and then you go.

18、得到又失去,沒有什麽比得到過更傷人。Get and lose, nothing hurts more than get.

19、就讓往事隨風,妳別回頭,往事也別將就。Just let the past go with the wind. Don't look back. Don't settle for the past.

20、當我只剩下21克的靈魂,這是我愛妳最後的方式。When I have only 21g of soul left, this is the last way I love you.

21、若無君相守、日日皆哀愁。If you don't have a king, you will be sad every day.

22、總有那麽壹天妳會發現,我不是誰都可以替代。One day you will find that I can not be replaced by everyone.

23、我想哭,可是我已經不知道該怎麽流淚了。I want to cry, but I don't know how to cry.

24、初戀的結果只有兩種,要麽修成正果,要麽走火入魔。There are only two results of first love. One is to achieve the right result, the other is to become possessed.

25、接受自己的生活沒什麽不好,喜歡真的好累。Accept their own life is not bad, like really tired.

26、因為在乎,所以傷心。Because care, so sad.

27、對我隱身很爽邁?謝謝妳的愛,我受不起。It's nice to be invisible to me, Mai? Thank you for your love. I can't stand it.

28、請允許我塵埃落定,用沈默掩埋了過去。Please allow me to settle down and bury the past with silence.

29、再怎麽想妳,都不會去打擾妳,再怎麽心碎,都不會去聯系妳。No matter how I think about you, I won't disturb you. No matter how heartbroken I am, I won't contact you.

30、瘋狂以後的以後還是孤獨,不死的倔強向往上帝的墳場。After the crazy, or lonely, immortal stubborn yearning for God's cemetery.

31、流年、在等誰的相濡以沫。LiuNian, who are you waiting for.

32、用壹個轉身離開,卻用了壹輩子去忘記。With a turn to leave, but with a lifetime to forget.

33、誰不是壹邊崩潰著,壹邊生活著。Who is not living while collapsing.

34、不是故作沈默,只是無力訴說。Not pretending to be silent, just unable to tell.

35、認真的人,最可憐,動心的人,最可悲。Serious people, the most pitiful, moving people, the most pathetic.

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