當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 傷感說說 - 關於憨豆先生的故事英文


A. 用英語敘述憨豆先生的事說說從中學到了什麽

幽 默 ,壹個人從幽默中領悟世界

B. 寫壹篇關於在憨豆先生身上學到了什麽的英語作文350詞


C. 憨豆先生講述了什麽故事用英語說

Naive bean Sir has hit the Jackpot in a lottery draw middle "accident" , has gained the chance spending self holidays to France southern part Riviera. Naive bean Sir can go to Cannes for free not only , obtain pocket money and one telecamera presenting 2000 pound sterlings with, brigade of having started European one film. Have been tired of naive the weather of London overcast and rainy bean Sir, the fond dream can spend splendid vacation in France southern part sunlight on the sandy beach. He has stepped on spending self holidays going to French from United Kingdom elatedly behind having been hit by the first prize journey, but, all the way in any case inconvenient unceasingly, sit one vehicle gives another the right of way, with baggage assured source of life on the train , naive bean Sir on the train having fallen from cellar to garret, to depend on the railway platform or the trunk from east to west, ... Hundred puts up a jest. Naive bean Sir still has arrived in Cannes ultimately , has shown self film though journey middle being full of ists and turns,France who has realized self spends self holidays dream.

D. 用英語寫壹篇憨豆先生的作文60字左右

"Mr Bean" was proced by Tiger Aspect. It is a very famous fashion edy. The play tells the silly Mr. Bean's unlucky but fun life . It is widely popular not because it tells some people important . Mr. Bean is just a nobody but he is very kind and this makes him very close to our daily and attract many people.

E. 英語介紹羅溫愛金森的故事

以絕妙誇張的搞笑手法而風靡全球的憨豆先生羅溫·艾金森,是當今演藝圈內最具表演天賦的喜劇大師之壹。由他主演的系列喜劇《憨豆先生》風靡全球。他在劇中那獨到的表情和肢體語言得到了廣大觀眾的認可,使這小小壹顆“憨豆”在星光璀璨到令人目眩的影視界占有不可替代的地位。 他那傻乎乎總晃個不停的腦袋,周圍什麽情況也察覺不出來卻總瞪得大大的眼睛,笑起來尤其向前突出的鼻子,非自然下垂的胳膊,穿得像個紳士,卻似乎連阿甘的七十五都不及的智商,常常在闖了禍之後落荒而逃的身影……這壹系列可氣更可笑的扮相所制造的喜劇效果,使他在1997年進軍好萊塢時簡直無人能出其右。

Rowan Sebastian Atkinson was born on the 6th January, 1955, in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, UK, to Ella May and Eric Atkinson. His father owned a farm where he grew up with his o older brothers, Rupert and Rodney. He attended Newcastle University and Oxford University where he earned degrees in electrical engineering. During that time, he met screenwriter Richard Curtis, with whom he wrote and performed edy revues.

Later, he co-wrote and appeared in "Not the Nine O'Clock News" (1979), which was a huge success and spawned several best-selling books. It won an International Emmy Award and the British Academy Award for "Best Light Entertainment Programme of 1980." He won the "British Academy Award" and was named "BBC Personality of the Year" for his performing on "Not the Nine O'Clock News" (1979).

Atkinson also appeared in several movies, including Dead on Time (1983), Pleasure at Her Majesty's (1976) (TV) (aka "Monty Python Meets Beyond the Fringe"), Never Say Never Again (1983), and The Tall Guy (1989). He played "Mr. Bean" in the TV series, "Mr. Bean" (1990) but, apart from that and "Not the Nine O'Clock News" (1979), he also appeared in several other series like "The Black Adder" (1983) and "Funny Business" (1992), etc.

Atkinson enjoys nothing better than fast cars. He has been married to Sura Sastry since 1990, and they have o children, named Benjamin and Lily.