? 8、 ? I love you with half a lifetime, and forget the rest of you.、 ? 我用半生來愛妳,再用剩下的來忘妳。 ? 9、 ? I used to like a person Now like a person ? 以前喜歡壹個人 現在喜歡壹個人 ? 10、 ? You are sunshine,Is my distantlight. ? 妳是我的太陽,是我遙不可及的光。 ? 11、 ? The water is cold and the heart is cold, it is hard to heat. ? 水涼了還可以喝,心涼了很難再熱 ? 12、 ? The end of the summer, the who. Memory such as a line, who stumbled. ? 那年夏末,負了誰。記憶如線,絆了誰。 ? 13、 ? I'm to blame too deep into the play End is a person. ? 怪我入戲太深,結局卻壹個人。 ? 14、 ? You only remember her strong but forget she is just a girl ? 妳只記得她堅強卻忘了她只是壹姑娘 ? 15、 ? Stay up late and you're far away. ? 熬夜的癮和遙遠的妳 ? 16、 ? Sea birds and fish love, just an accident . ? 海鳥和魚的相愛,只是壹場意外 ? 17、 ? Wait until the first date I will forget you ? 等到老酒過期我就忘了妳 ? 18、 ? If you do not understand my pain, please do not uncover my scars. ? 如果不懂我的痛,請不要揭開我的傷疤 ? 19、 ? You are I wait less than passers-by. ? 妳是我等不到的路人。 ? 20、 ? My eyes have shallow sea land old clap vita etched a bay miss. ? 我眼中有淺淺的海,前塵舊事拍岸,侵蝕出壹灣想念。
? 傷感的英文說說句子二: ? 1、妳總要壹個人嘗遍所有的苦 ? you always have ro taste all the pain alone ? 2、我假裝放手 妳還真走了 ? I pretent to let you go and you're gone ? 3、感情向來心酸 像妳壹樣 ? Feelings are always sad like you ? 4、日子和夜是熬不完的 ? days and nights are endless ? 5、孤獨這個詞太孤獨了 連反義詞都沒有 ? The word loneliness is so lonely that there is no antonym. ? 6、我還是很想妳 在每個消極無望的夜裏. ? I still miss you every negative and hopeless night. ? 7、我也不想墜落 可我沒有快樂 ? I don't want to fall. but I'm not happy. ? 8、誰願意壹直堅強 只是沒有人依靠罷了 ? Who wants to be strong all the time but nobody depnds on it? ? 9、最怕當我習慣了沒有妳的時候妳又出現 ? Worst of all,when i get uesd to not having you,you will apppear again. ? 10、透支了眼淚我們便會沒心沒肺的笑 ? We laugh heartlessly when we overdraw our tears. ? 11、這個城市紅紅火火,萬裏風霜半點不由我 ? The city is booming and the wind and the frost are not at all. ? 12、願今後的妳 別愛太滿 別睡太晚 ? May you don't love too much in the future,don't sleep too late. ? 13、過了愛笑的年紀 多了想哭的情緒 ? l've passed the ageof laughter,l ve been crying more ? 14、時間是個無賴,喜歡毀掉所有的期待 ? Time is a rogue,like to ruin all expectations. ? 15、悲喜自渡,他人難悟,誰都不是誰的救贖 ? Sorrow and joy,self-transfer,others are hard to understand,no one is who is redeemed. ?