(Dth00) (死亡)
(Hal00) (產生幻象)
(Hal01) (幻象消失)
(Mov00) (?)
(閑聊00) Your thoughts betray you. 妳的思想背叛了妳!
(閑聊01) I see you have an appetite for destruction. 我發現妳對毀滅很感興趣
(閑聊02) And you learn to use your illusion. 試著去使用妳的幻想
(閑聊03) But I find your lack of control disturbing. 但我發現妳沒法違背命令! (Sto00) (放電1)
(Sto01) (放電2)
(Sum00) (合成為執政官)
(選擇00) Your thoughts? 妳的想法?
(選擇01) Saragh'ha! (神族語)
(選擇02) I heed thy call. 我需要妳的召喚
(選擇03) State thy bidding. 言汝之命
(行動00) You think as I do. 妳的想法就是我的做法
(行動01) It shall be done. 它應該完成了
(行動02) My path is set. 我的路徑被設定了
(行動03) Ee'tahk (神族語)