當前位置:名人名言大全網 - 笑話故事 - 雅思口語考官“心不在焉”不代表妳不好?


1. 雅思口語考官只忙著自己寫,和我沒有眼神交流是不是證明我講的很差?

Don't worry about what the examiner was doing. Examiners often take notes, and it doesn't mean anything bad. 不要管考官在忙什麽,通常考官都會忙著記筆記,但這並不意味著妳表現地不好。

2. 雅思口語考官邊考邊喝咖啡是不是不正常?

No, that isn't normal. While I usually tell students to ignore what the examiner does (e.g. checking his/her watch or making notes), I think in this case your examiner's behaviour was wrong. Maybe you should report the issue to your test centre.這樣就不正常了。通常我會告訴學生不要管考官在看表或者記筆記,但是考官在考試的時候喝咖啡的話,這種行為是不合適的。建議妳跟考試中心反應情況。

3. 考官笑話了我的口語回答,我是不是要跪了?

No, it's probably a good sign. Maybe you said something unexpected and the examiner liked it!不,很可能是好事兒呢!可能妳說了些考官意料外的,並且他很喜歡。

4. 雅思口語考官會介意我說英語俚語嗎?

Yes, it's not really appropriate to use slang.是的,考試的時候講英語俚語不合適。

5. 雅思口語我說的太多被考官打斷怎麽辦?

Don't worry about saying too much in parts 2 and 3 of the speaking test; the examiner will stop you if he/she wants to. Just try to give short, direct answers in part 1.別擔心在Part2和Part3中講太多,壹直講下去,直到考官打斷妳。但是在Part1中要給出簡短的回答。

6. 考生可以要求口語考官重復問題嗎?

Yes. They can say something like: "Sorry, can you repeat that please?". It won't affect your score if you do this.是的,妳可以說"Sorry, can you repeat that please?",這不會影響妳的分數。

7. 考生可以要求口語考官解釋清楚問題嗎?

Not in part 1 or 2. The examiner can only repeat the same question in part 1, and refer you to the task card in part 2. In part 3, it's fine for students to ask for clarification e.g. "Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean by that". The examiner is allowed to rephrase the question in part 3. If you ask for clarification once, it shouldn't affect your score, but don't do this too many times!在Part1和Part2中不可以要求考官解釋問題。在Part1中考官只會幫妳重復說壹遍問題,在Part2中給妳問題卡片。而在Part3,學生可以要求考官解釋壹下問題,考官也被允許幫學生解釋。如果妳要求考官解釋壹次的話,並不會影響妳的分數,但是不要要求太多次!

8. 考生可以請求考官給多點時間思考下問題嗎?

I don't recommend doing that. Students lose marks for long hesitations, so it's best for them to practise answering quickly.我不建議妳這麽做。學生會因為猶豫太久而丟分,所以平時要多加練習快速回答。

9. 雅思口語中我發現自己說錯了,需要馬上自我糾正嗎?

Yes. Occasional self-correction is good. It only becomes a problem if you self-correct so often that you lose fluency.可以的,有時自我糾正是好的,除非自我糾正太多已經影響到了回答的流利度。


環球青藤友情提示:以上就是[ 雅思口語考官“心不在焉”不代表妳不好? ]問題解答,希望能夠幫助到大家!