比如中國的傳統醫學,中醫方面,TCM =traditional Chinese medicine,Qigong =controlled breathing exercises,Internal causes (內傷七情:喜怒憂思悲恐驚:Joy、Anger、Worry、Thought、Sadness、Panic、 Fear ),External causes(外感六淫, 風寒暑濕燥火: Wind、Cold、Heat、Wetness、Dryness、Fire)。其他壹些中國傳統文化的詞匯,比如Porcelain 瓷器、Pottery 陶器、Embroidery 刺繡、Carving 雕刻、Palace lantern 宮燈、Chinese painting 國畫、Paper-cut 剪紙、Chinese brush drawing/ink and wash painting 水墨畫等等,平時看見了要註意積累,這樣這考試時才不至於心裏明白卻寫不出來,出現把四大發明翻成“starfarming”(正解 The Four Great Inventions of Ancient China),把指南針翻成“GPS”(正解compass),把火藥翻成“TNT”(正解gunpowder)這樣的笑話。此外,妳可以買壹本《中高級口譯口試模板》這本書裏面把常見的翻譯情景羅列出來,比如中國節日、歷史事件、經濟文化、旅遊活動、社會發展等相關的詞匯,同時要註意中英文的`切換規則。於此同時,妳可以關註以反映中國社會為主的壹些英文雜誌和報紙。每天看看網站中的頭條新聞,配合中文新[微博]聞的背景,就可以學到很多表達。
在句子方面,寫長難句可增加得分點 。
京劇還贏得了很多外國戲迷的青睞。京劇的另壹特色是所謂的臉譜(Lian Pus)。這使許多外國人著迷。京劇臉譜不同於西方人在化妝舞會上戴的面具,是畫在演員臉上的圖案。京劇臉譜象征人物的性格,不同的顏色代表不同的性格。例如黑色代表剛直,白色代表背叛和狡詐,紅的則用來代表忠誠
Pecking Opera is also well received by a lot of overseas fans.Another feature of Peking Opera is what is known as Lian Pus, which many foreigners find most fascinating. Different from that kind of masks Westerners wear at masquerades, Peking Opera Lian Pus are colorful patterns painted on the faces of the performers. Lian Pu is symbolic of the character, with different colors denoting different characteristics. For instance, black stands for uprightness, white means treachery or deception, and red often signifies loyalty.
People are usually particular about their food during the Spring Festival. In addition to/besides/apart from the popular seafood, poultry and meat, people also prepare some traditional cuisine in accordance with/according to their own local customs.
中醫起源於6000年前的神農時代(Shennong era),這位著名的中國古代藥王所生活的時代被認為是中醫史上的萌芽階段
Traditional Chinese medicine originated from/dated back to Shennong ear 6,000 years ago. Shennong, the celebrated herbal medicine master of ancient China lived in this era, which is believed to be the embryo stage in the development of TCM.
Traditional Chinese medicine originated with Shennong, the celebrated herbal medicine master of ancient China who lived about 6,000 years ago, a time which is believed to be the embryo stage in the development of TCM.
分析從句比較多的長難句,要找到句子的切分點,切分點主要有兩種,壹個是直接看到的,即連接詞that、which、who、when等等;另外壹個是潛在的,即各種動詞形式,包括doing、to do(單獨使用的)、done等等。